
21+3 NPS Survey Questions and Templates for 2024

NPS survey questions

Why do the most successful product managers always seem to pay attention to the power of a well-constructed NPS survey?

These leaders understand that a streamlined NPS tool distills vast customer sentiment into actionable data, guiding strategic decisions. 

By leveraging precise questions, they unlock insights into consumer loyalty, driving product refinement and fostering market edge.

This methodology transforms customer feedback into a competitive lever for business excellence. NPS surveys are excellent customer satisfaction tool which can be helpful source of knowledge to rest of the crossfunctional team

Mastering NPS Surveys in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to 21+3 Survey Questions and Templates for Optimal Customer Insights 👉

NPS survey questions examples/samples for deeper understanding

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) distills customer sentiment into a single, pivotal question, yet its simplicity belies the strategic depth of insights it can provide.

Why is NPS only one question?

NPS surveys distill the complex concept of customer satisfaction into a single, pivotal question to both gauge customer loyalty and the likelihood of clients recommending a business efficiently.

This approach streamlines the data collection process and focuses on a metric with high predictive value for growth.

This singular approach yields a clear benchmark, facilitating a strategic evaluation of customer loyalty trends.

It enables precise, actionable insights for enhancing business performance.

Demystifying NPS: What questions comprise an NPS survey

A comprehensive NPS survey can extract nuanced insights into customer experiences and expectations. 

These questions often include customizable rating scales and open-ended prompts for qualitative feedback, enabling precise diagnosis of satisfaction drivers and identifying targeted areas for improvement within the customer journey.

Here’s a closer look at effective, widely-used NPS survey questions:

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Question 1: How likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?

This question is central to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology, serving as a crucial indicator of customer loyalty and business growth potential.

Its simplicity and directness provide an immediate measure of customer satisfaction and advocacy potential while offering valuable insights for benchmarking and improvement.

This question effectively captures a full customer base’s overall sentiment towards a company, helping businesses identify their strongest advocates and areas needing enhancement, thereby playing a pivotal role in shaping customer experience strategies and fostering business success.

Question 2: How likely are you to recommend our product/services to your colleagues?

Assessing customer advocacy is crucial for understanding client loyalty and satisfaction. The NPS survey question serves as a pivotal gauge for this purpose. 

This metric reflects the customer valuation of your offerings and can pinpoint areas necessitating strategic enhancement.

It is a direct barometer of an advocate’s positive perception and indicates potential organic growth through word-of-mouth.

Question 3: Considering your experience with [Your Company Name], how likely would you recommend us to a friend or colleague?

This critical metric directly links customer experience to their advocacy potential. This question assesses the level of satisfaction and loyalty derived from interactions with the company and indicates how these experiences translate into the willingness to endorse the company. 

It is a key measure for gauging the effectiveness of customer relationship management and identifying areas for strategic improvements.

Insights from this question are invaluable for enhancing customer experiences and leveraging positive and negative customer experience and advocacy for organic business growth through peer-to-peer recommendations.

Question 4: Based on your experience using [Product Name] for [Length of Time], how likely are you to recommend it to a friend or colleague?

Focusing on the customer’s experience over a specific period provides deeper insights into the sustained effectiveness and appeal of the product.

This approach helps businesses understand the evolving perceptions of their product, which is essential for strategic planning in product development and customer relationship management. 

Analyzing these survey responses over time enables companies to identify trends and make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and bolster long-term loyalty.

Question 5: How likely will you recommend our customer support service to a friend or colleague?

Measuring customer support service through the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is crucial for understanding customer loyalty.

It highlights how customer support interactions impact overall satisfaction and loyalty. Positive feedback indicates effective support, fostering customer loyalty, and promoting word-of-mouth referrals

Identifying negative aspects allows for focused improvements in customer service. This approach is essential for maintaining strong customer relationships, enhancing the company’s reputation, and customers satisfaction and supporting business growth.

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Question 6: How likely will you recommend our company as a potential workplace to your friends?

It offers insights into the company’s internal environment and indicates how employees perceive and value their workplace.

A high eNPS suggests a positive workplace culture and can lead to greater employee engagement, directly influencing overall business performance. 

It’s crucial, however, to use eNPS alongside more detailed surveys for a complete picture of employee engagement and satisfaction​​​​​​.

Question 7: What was missing or disappointing in your experience with us?

The question is crucial in uncovering specific areas where a company’s service or product falls short. It directly addresses customer dissatisfaction, providing actionable insights for targeted improvements. 

This question is essential for evaluating overall customer loyalty and examining specific interactions, helping businesses refine their offerings and improve customer experiences based on direct feedback​​​​​​.

Question 8: How can we improve your experience?

The question directly solicits actionable feedback for service refinement. This inquiry provides strategic insights into customer needs and pinpoints specific areas requiring attention. 

It encourages an analytical approach to service enhancement, ensuring that subsequent actions are informed by direct customer input, thus fostering an environment of continuous feedback / improvement and mastery of customer experience.

Question 9: Which features do you value the most?

Understanding which features customers value the most provides companies with critical insights that guide strategic enhancements to their product or service offerings. This targeted inquiry discerns prioritized attributes, driving informed decisions on resource allocation.

It facilitates a customer-centric development roadmap, ensuring highly regarded functionalities are refined and showcased, reinforcing product-market fit, and elevating overall user satisfaction.

Question 10: What do you like most/least about our product/service?

Knowing customer preferences is pivotal in identifying the strengths and weaknesses from the user’s perspective.

The NPS survey question facilitates strategic enhancement by pinpointing elements that resonate positively or negatively with customers. 

This inquiry enables a focused approach to refining the offering and fortifying the value proposition with empirical customer feedback.

Question 11: How does our product meet your needs?

This inquiry delves into the product’s utility, probing the alignment between its features and the customer’s requirements, thus informing strategic enhancements and tailoring product development to address the core demands of the target market.

Question 12: Why would you not recommend us?

This inquiry is pivotal in revealing specific areas needing enhancement, allowing businesses to address issues, refine their offerings strategically, and ultimately convert detractors into promoters, sharpening their competitive edge.

Question 13: What problem are you trying to solve with our product?

This inquiry can elucidate the precise functionality or benefit users seek, guiding strategic enhancements and pinpointing misalignments between product offerings and customer expectations. Ultimately, this fosters a solution-oriented roadmap for product development.

Question 14: How frequently do you use our product/service?

Gauging product/service engagement is crucial for businesses to understand customer usage patterns and loyalty and then be correlated with a higher likelihood of customer recommendation.

The strategic application of this data is instrumental in informing retention efforts and product development.

Businesses can ensure sustained growth by optimizing the customer experience based on usage frequency and satisfaction levels.

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Question 15: How likely are you to purchase from us again?

Assessing the likelihood of repeat patronage, the question is a crucial predictor of customer retention and future revenue streams. 

This metric provides strategic insight into the customer lifecycle, enabling companies to focus on loyalty-building initiatives and pinpoint areas that may deter repeat business, thus guiding data-driven decisions to enhance the overall customer experience.

Question 16: How would you rate our product/service compared to our competitors?

The question aims to understand how customers perceive the value and performance of a company’s offerings relative to its competitors. This inquiry is crucial for gaining insights into the company’s market position, assessing customer satisfaction, and determining preferences for alternative options. 

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It helps focus on identifying competitive strengths and pinpointing areas that require improvement. This approach is critical for strategic planning and enhancing the company’s offerings to meet customer expectations better and stand out in the competitive market.

Question 17: Are there any areas where we didn’t meet your expectations?

Building on understanding a product’s competitive stance, the NPS survey question ‘Are there any areas where we didn’t meet your expectations?’ seeks to pinpoint specific aspects of the customer experience that may require attention and improvement.

This inquiry encourages a strategic analysis of service gaps, informing tactical adjustments to enhance overall satisfaction and drive positive customer loyalty and advocacy metrics shifts.

Question 18: What can we do to impress you?

The invites clients to share their insights on outstanding service and product features that enhance their experience. It targets the root of customer delight, prompting strategic reflections on value creation and innovation, and guides businesses towards impactful improvements.

Question 19: How did we fare in the following categories: Product, Support response time, Product delivery, and Complaint resolution?

This question is critical for gauging customer satisfaction and identifying operational enhancements as we scrutinize our performance across key domains such as:

  • Product
  • Support response time
  • Product delivery
  • Complaint resolution

Through this analytical approach, we can strategically address gaps and elevate our service excellence, ensuring a superior experience that aligns with our customers’ high standards and expectations.

Question 20: How would you describe your shopping experience with our platform?

This query dissects the nuances of user interaction, seeking granular feedback that informs strategic enhancements. It’s a barometer for user satisfaction, encapsulating ease of navigation, transaction fluidity, and post-purchase support within the digital marketplace ecosystem.

Question 21: Now that you have received our product, how likely will you recommend our business to others?

This question effectively measures how likely customers are to recommend a product or service, a key indicator for strategic improvements and customer-driven growth. It sheds light on the product’s influence and the quality of customer relationships, offering insights into potential growth through word-of-mouth. 

This data is crucial for understanding how a company’s offerings are perceived in the market and identifying areas for enhancement to better align with customer expectations and preferences.

Question 22: How would you describe your work experience with our company so far?

This question is a key tool for gauging internal engagement and morale within a company. It provides a deep dive into how employees view their workplace, allowing for targeted improvements in workplace environment and company policies. 

The primary aim is to improve the overall employee experience and strengthen their commitment to the organization.

This approach is instrumental in the employee health and fostering a positive and productive work culture.

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Question 23: What do you like about working with us?

The question aims to gather feedback on the positive aspects of employee experiences. This question is crucial for identifying the key factors contributing to employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Understanding what employees value allows a company to strengthen and build upon these areas, which is vital for developing a high-performing, committed workforce. Companies can reinforce their core values and practices essential for maintaining a positive work environment and fostering employee engagement by focusing on what employees appreciate.

Question 24: What do you dislike about working with our company?

Seeking to uncover potential organizational pain points, the question invites employees to share honest feedback about aspects of their work environment that may need improvement.

This inquiry facilitates strategic analysis, enabling management to pinpoint and address systemic issues that detract from employee satisfaction and efficiency.

Mastering the Art: NPS survey templates for fast results

To maximize the effectiveness of an NPS survey, it’s important to craft the questions carefully.

Precise wording is essential to ensuring that the responses accurately capture customer sentiment and intentions. 

Tailoring questions to specific customer interactions also leads to more focused insights, enabling businesses to make swift and well-informed decisions.

This approach enhances the relevance and utility of the survey, making it a more effective tool for understanding and responding to customer feedback.

Crafting effective NPS questions

Maximizing the effectiveness of an NPS survey hinges on carefully using sample questions and crafting the questions. Here are some key guidelines to consider for creating effective NPS questions:

  • Brevity and Clarity: Keep questions concise to encourage responses. Avoid overly complex or lengthy questions that might deter participation.
  • Choice of Scale: Use simple, familiar scales like 1-5 or 1-10. This makes it easy for customers to give feedback and simplifies your team’s analysis.
  • Specificity: Target specific products, services, or features in your questions. This approach yields more focused feedback and helps pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Comment Section: Include an option for open-ended comments. This additional context can provide deeper insights into the reasons behind customers’ ratings.
  • Appreciation Message: Include a thank you message to show appreciation for the customer’s feedback and time.
  • Survey Customization: Tailor surveys to different products or services. Each unique NPS survey should gather specific feedback relevant to the item.
  • Uniformity Across Locations: For businesses with multiple outlets, ensure that NPS surveys are consistent across all locations to gather uniform and comparable data.
  • Regular Scheduling: Establish a fixed schedule for sending out NPS surveys, allowing for consistent tracking of changes and trends over time.
  • Survey Frequency: Limit the frequency of surveys to your capacity to analyze the feedback and take action. Over-surveying can lead to analysis paralysis and diminish the value of the feedback.
  • Journey Alignment: Align the timing of the surveys with different stages of the customer journey, tailored to your specific business model and industry.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can significantly enhance the utility of your NPS surveys, turning them into a valuable tool for understanding customer sentiment and guiding strategic decisions.

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Precision Matters: NPS Question Wording Strategies

Effective NPS surveys hinge on the precision of question wording and templates that can be used via email, mobile apps, or web forms. The subtleties in how you ask can significantly shape the responses you receive and the insights you derive.

Follow these tips for tailoring questions for maximum effectiveness:

  • Contextual Customization: Modify the standard NPS question to fit specific contexts like product, service, or customer experience. This approach helps in capturing targeted insights relevant to specific business areas​​.
  • Strategic Question Variations: Choose between transactional NPS (focusing on specific interactions) and relational NPS (evaluating overall customer relationships) based on your objectives. This choice influences the depth and nature of the feedback received​​​​.
  • Open-Ended Follow-Up Questions: Incorporate open-ended questions post-NPS rating to understand the reasoning behind customer scores. This qualitative approach complements the quantitative NPS rating, providing a more comprehensive view of customer sentiment​​.
  • Employee NPS (eNPS) Surveys: Use eNPS surveys to gauge employee satisfaction and loyalty. Employee perspectives can indirectly influence customer satisfaction and overall business health​​.

Integrating Usersnap’s NPS templates can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your surveys. These templates are designed for precision and adaptability, ensuring your surveys accurately capture customer sentiments.

Benefits of using NPS feedback template also includes:

  • Efficiency in Feedback Collection: Usersnap’s templates streamline the survey process, focusing on obtaining precise and meaningful insights without overwhelming respondents.
  • Adaptability for Various Business Needs: The templates are flexible, allowing customization to fit different business contexts, customer profiles, and specific areas of interest.
  • User-Friendly Design for Comprehensive Analysis: The templates are designed to be intuitive, facilitating ease of use while providing a framework for thorough analysis of customer feedback.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Usersnap has NPS for mobile apps that can be deployed easily from the dashboard.

Leveraging Usersnap’s NPS templates in your survey strategy not only adheres to best practices but also simplifies the process, enhancing the effectiveness of your NPS surveys. 

For detailed insights and to experience the benefits, consider exploring Usersnap’s NPS feedback templates

This integration of strategic question crafting and Usersnap’s expert templates can transform your approach to gathering and interpreting customer feedback, leading to more impactful business decisions.

Tailoring NPS Questions to Specific Customer Touchpoints and support customer loyalty

The templates offer a framework for tailoring questions to various specific customer touchpoint and points.

Whether about the product experience or specific interactions, these templates help you pinpoint areas of interest and concern, facilitating more targeted and effective feedback analysis.

These templates emphasize time-saving and effectiveness, ensuring that your NPS surveys are precise and efficient, leading to quicker, more informed decisions for customer experience refinement. The benefits of using the Usersnap NPS survey template are:

  • Efficient Feedback Collection: Streamlines the process of gathering customer feedback.
  • Customizable Design: Adaptable to specific business needs and customer profiles.
  • Targeted Insights: Focuses on key performance indicators relevant to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface for both survey creators and respondents.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Facilitates in-depth understanding of customer sentiment.
  • Actionable Data: Provides data that can be directly used to inform business decisions and strategies.

You can explore Usersnap’s NPS survey question templates here for more details.

Follow-up questions in NPS

Follow-up questions in NPS surveys are instrumental in converting numerical scores into actionable insights, revealing the motivations behind customer ratings.

We have compiled easy steps to assess and create successful NPS follow-up question top-up strategies.

How Follow-Up Questions Contribute to Actionable Insights

Follow-up questions in NPS surveys are essential for understanding the reasons behind customers’ ratings offering insights into product strengths, weaknesses, and areas causing customer dissatisfaction. 

These questions, sent immediately after receiving the NPS score, provide detailed feedback for targeted improvements.

Personalizing these questions enhances their relevance and engagement, while incorporating branding elements strengthens the emotional connection with customers, leading to more effective feedback and strategic business decisions​​​​​​.

Sequencing Success: What Follow-Up Questions Come After an NPS Survey?

Upon completing the core NPS question, strategically crafted follow-up inquiries are essential to discover the reasons behind a customer’s score, providing clarity and direction for targeted improvements.

These probing questions should dissect specific experience facets, eliciting qualitative sentiment and actionable quantitative data. With a focus on strategic question sequencing, consider the following approach:

Segmentation Based on Initial NPS Score: Initially categorize respondents as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors based on their basic NPS question scores. This segmentation is crucial for tailoring the three basic follow up question make-up questions appropriately.

Contextual Understanding for Personalization: Leverage customer history and prior interactions to personalize the follow up question back-up and direct answer to questions, making them more relevant and engaging.

Branding and Personalization: Ensure the questions reflect your brand’s voice and are tailored to resonate with your customers’ experiences, enhancing engagement and response quality.

Timeliness in Sending Follow-Up Questions: Send these questions soon after receiving the NPS score to capture immediate, relevant feedback essential for understanding the viewpoints of detractors and promoters.

This structured approach ensures that your follow-up questions after an NPS survey are effectively sequenced and designed to elicit customer segments’ most useful and actionable insights​​​​​​​​​​.

Crafting Effective Follow-Up Strategies

After establishing a baseline with the core NPS question, developing a set of well-crafted follow-up inquiries that probe deeper into customer motivations and experiences is crucial. Here are advanced and distinct approaches to crafting an nps question example follow up questions back-up questions:

  • Behavioral Insight Questions: Understand post-interaction actions.
  • Future-Oriented Inquiries: Anticipate customer expectations and intentions.
  • Competitive Analysis Queries: Gain insights into your competitive positioning.
  • Emotive Response Probes: Uncover the emotional drivers behind loyalty.
  • Journey Mapping Questions: Identify key touchpoints and moments of delight or friction.
  • Personalization and Customization Feedback: Evaluate personalization strategies.
  • Ethnographic Inquiry: Explore product integration into daily routines.
  • Service Recovery Evaluation: Gauge the effectiveness of issue resolution efforts.

These advanced strategies enrich the data collected and demonstrate your commitment to understanding and meeting customer needs on a deeper level, enabling more informed decision-making for superior customer experience management.

Acknowledging Responses: Thank You Messages and Beyond

Moving beyond a basic thank you message, a strategic approach can reveal valuable insights and emphasize the customer’s role as a valued partner. 

Tailor your messages and questions based on NPS scores and unique customer characteristics, demonstrating genuine care. Craft follow-up questions aligned with NPS scores to extract targeted, actionable feedback from promoters, passives, and detractors.

Promote continuous engagement by cultivating an ongoing dialogue with customers, seeking their input regularly, to collect feedback and showcasing your commitment to addressing their feedback.

Highlight the tangible impact of customer feedback by sharing success stories and improvements influenced by their input. Offer various feedback avenues to accommodate diverse customer preferences and lifestyles, ensuring user-friendly accessibility.

By implementing these strategies, your follow-up process goes beyond gratitude and catalyzes stronger relationships, continuous enhancement, and lasting customer loyalty.

Customer Satisfaction Chronicles: Best practices for running NPS Surveys Unveiled

Mastering Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys is essential in gauging customer loyalty and perception’s pivotal role in business success. This explores NPS survey best practices, from design to interpretation, offering actionable insights for optimizing customer feedback:

  • Understanding NPS: Grasp NPS as a customer loyalty and recommendation gauge. Strategic survey timing and segmentation are vital.
  • Specific Metrics That Matter: Consider response rates, segmentation data, and follow-up actions for in-depth insights into loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Roadmap to Success: Craft tailored NPS surveys by aligning metrics with industry and target market specifics. Segment users and time surveys post-key experiences for nuanced insights.
  • Leveraging NPS Surveys: Maximize NPS surveys by meticulously segmenting users, timing surveys, and transforming data into actionable strategies.
  • Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction: Measure key metrics, including NPS scores, for customer loyalty and recommendations. Benchmark against industry standards for targeted improvements.
  • Post-Purchase Interaction: Analyze factors like response time, issue resolution efficiency, and follow-up quality to nurture customer satisfaction and long-term loyalty.
  • Triggering NPS Surveys: Strategically deploy NPS surveys for unparalleled insights. Timing, relevance, segmentation, and pointed questions are crucial for quantifying customer sentiment.

By mastering these NPS survey best practices, businesses can enhance customer relationships, drive continuous improvement, and secure long-term loyalty.

Maximizing Feedback impact with Usersnap

To extract the most value from customer feedback gathered through NPS surveys, it’s essential to delve deeper into qualitative data, enhancing the overall comprehension of the product or service. In this section, we explore strategies for maximizing feedback impact:

  • Collecting Valuable Feedback Beyond Ratings: Use open-ended questions in NPS surveys to gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction beyond numerical scores, helping to understand the reasons behind customer ratings​​.
  • Leveraging Negative Feedback for Positive Change: Negative feedback in NPS surveys should be viewed as a growth opportunity, focusing on addressing common concerns to improve customer satisfaction​​.
  • Feedback Loop: Continuous Improvement in Service Delivery: Implement actionable strategies based on NPS feedback analysis, emphasizing personalization, addressing common complaints, and using positive and negative reviews for continuous service improvement​​.
  • Power of Qualitative Data with Usersnap: Usersnap’s NPS templates enhance survey effectiveness, offering customization and comprehensive analysis tools for gathering valuable qualitative data.
  • Engaging With Customers: Maintain open communication during improvement implementation, providing updates, seeking feedback, and explaining changes to increase engagement and customer satisfaction​​.
  • Regular Assessment: Regularly assessing customer satisfaction through NPS surveys is crucial for tracking improvements and aligning with customer needs and business goals​​.

By embracing these strategies, businesses can harness the full potential of qualitative feedback, refine their offerings, and bolster customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to loyal customers, stronger customer relationships and sustainable growth.

Embrace the power of Net Promoter Score (NPS) to revolutionize your business’s growth and customer satisfaction.

Usersnap is your ultimate NPS tool in navigating the intricacies of NPS surveys, helping you uncover insights that drive customer loyalty and fuel business expansion.

Why Usersnap for NPS?

1. Seamless Integration: Integrate Usersnap effortlessly with your favorite tools, streamlining your NPS process without disrupting your workflow. Our user-friendly platform ensures a smooth experience for both you and your customers.

2. Visual Feedback Revolution: Move beyond traditional NPS surveys. Usersnap allows your customers to provide visual feedback on your web applications, ensuring a deeper understanding of their sentiments. Say goodbye to ambiguity and hello to actionable insights.

3. Streamlined QA Processes: Usersnap’s visual feedback doesn’t just stop at insights – it transforms your QA process. Eliminate confusion, iterate faster on design, and drastically shorten your customer support cycle, making your business more agile and responsive.

4. Personalized Actions for Customer Retention: Leverage Usersnap to segment your customer’s feedback by loyalty, responding to their experiences and desires with personalized actions. Predict business fluctuations and strengthen customer retention strategies tailored to individual needs.

5. Meaningful Insights, Powerful Predictions: Visualize responses, observe trends, and make powerful predictions. Usersnap empowers you to gain comprehensive insights over time, identifying growth opportunities and ensuring your business remains ahead of the curve.

What Users Say:

“In a global organization with over 2,000 employees, Usersnap’s easy-to-use tool is essential in scaling up our feedback exchange.” — Gerald Haydtner, Marketing Manager, Dynatrace

“We love how easy it was to install Usersnap in our product. Getting visual feedback has eliminated confusion and streamlined our QA process.” — Behaz Babazadeh, Creative Director at AddThis

“Usersnap helped us shorten the customer support cycle. Visual feedback really helps us to iterate faster on our design community’s needs.”Joscha Feth, Engineer at Canva

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