
Feedback Prioritization: 6 Steps How to Prioritize Customer Feedback

Feedback prioritization

Have you ever found yourself lost in a sea of emails, dreading the onslaught of differing opinions, suggestions, and critiques? We get it. It’s like trying to navigate a ship in stormy waters with multiple captains yelling out instructions.

And how could you do it without a solid feedback management system

Juggling feedback can often leave us scratching our heads, wondering if we’re fixing a leak while ignoring the iceberg ahead. 

Working on seemingly important tasks might feel productive until you realize you’ve been spending days on something that hardly makes a difference. Or worse, taking a wrong turn based on a single, albeit loud, opinion. 

It’s time to declutter, refocus, and make the business decisions that truly matter.

1. Step – Identify your feedback sources and stakeholders

To kick-start our journey, we must first recognize the wide spectrum of feedback sources.

From regular users and dedicated internal teams to those high-stakes stakeholders, everyone’s got an opinion.

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But here’s the thing: not all opinions weigh the same. A customer’s feedback on user experience might carry more weight than a developer’s take on the same issue.

Conversely, a developer’s feedback on backend efficiency is a golden nugget to pay attention to. Meanwhile, your sales and marketing team could offer insights into customer perceptions that are pure gold.

How do we tackle this multitude of voices? 

Start by acknowledging the diversity of stakeholders. We are talking about customers, users, designers, developers, marketers—the whole caboodle. Each group has its perspective, priorities, and expertise.

Create a stakeholder map or feedback matrix

You can start by creating a stakeholder map or feedback matrix.

This visual representation will help you categorize feedback sources based on their influence and interest. High-influence, high-interest stakeholders are your primary focus, but pay attention to others.

Regularly update this map to reflect the changing dynamics and keep it where you can quickly refer to it.

How to prioritize their feedback

Here’s where it gets tricky. Feedback prioritization is not about playing favorites. It’s about aligning feedback with your product goals and the company’s vision

A simple framework you can use:

  1. Impact vs. Effort: How impactful is the feedback, and what’s the effort required to implement it?
  2. Urgency vs. Importance: Is it a burning issue or something that can wait?
  3. Strategic Alignment: Do you know if the feedback aligns with your strategic objectives?

Lastly, could you tailor your approach based on each stakeholder group? 

For instance, when addressing specific feedback from from designers, focus on aesthetics and user experience. On the other hand, developers get down to the nitty-gritty technical aspects.

This tailored approach streamlines the feedback process and shows your company and stakeholders that you truly value their insights.

Product feedback widget to understand customers

2. Step – Define feedback criteria and goals

Feedback loyal customers is invaluable, but not all will align with your company’s goals or product trajectory.

To sift through the noise and prioritize effectively, you need a set of criteria that serves as a compass. 

Let’s break down the essentials.

Check your product strategy and product vision

Before diving into feedback, circle back to your product strategy and vision.

What are the overarching goals of your product? What long-term vision do you have for it? 

Aligning feedback with your product’s raison d’ĂȘtre ensures you remain on course. 

If a piece of feedback doesn’t gel with your vision or strategy, it might be worth putting it on the back burner.

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Check your product roadmap

Your product roadmap is the guiding light, highlighting the journey you intend your product to take.

Feedback should aid in making that journey smoother and more effective. 

Regularly map feedback against the direction you’ve set.

Give it high priority only if feedback can accelerate, enhance, or refine a planned feature or objective.

How feedback can enhance and affect your product roadmap

Feedback isn’t just about identifying flaws; it’s about innovation and continuous improvement.

Think of it as a gold mine of insights that can unveil opportunities you hadn’t thought of.

Maybe there’s a specific feature that your existing customers are yearning for that you hadn’t considered. Or perhaps a tweak can take user satisfaction from “It’s okay” to “Can’t live without it!”

By aligning feedback with your roadmap, you ensure your product evolves in a direction that resonates with your audience.

Examples of feedback criteria

When sifting through feedback, consider the following criteria to help you prioritize feedback:

  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Does the feedback enhance or dilute your product’s UVP?
  • Customer Satisfaction: Can addressing this feedback significantly improve customer happiness or retention?
  • Market Fit: Does the feedback align with market trends and demands?

How Usersnap can help with feedback prioritization

Usersnap, with its diverse scale of features, can be a game-changer in managing and prioritizing feedback.

  • Quick Fixes: Usersnap helps you swiftly identify bugs that need immediate attention. With clear user-reported issues, your team can zoom in and rectify problems in real-time.
  • Categorization: Use labels to categorize feedback. But remember, before propelling it into the development phase, get a nod from the product team and stakeholders.
  • Integration Magic: Maintain Usersnap as the central hub for feedback while integrating it with other tools for roadmap planning and dev sprints. This way, everything remains interconnected without overlaps.
  • Communication Board: Tired of endless meetings? Use the Usersnap board to communicate directly with stakeholders. This interactive feature allows real-time discussions, reducing the need for lengthy feedback meetings.

Harnessing feedback is both an art and a science.

labels usersnap

With a clear strategy, the right tools, and a sprinkle of cheerfulness, you’re all set to elevate your product to new heights! Try Usersnap today for free, and let us know if you need any help.

Also Check:

Best feedback tools examples

Customer feedback platform for your SaaS business

3. Step – Collect customer requests and organize feedback (inbox)

In today’s digital realm, feedback doesn’t just trickle in—it pours. 

From social media comments and emails to formal reviews, feedback arrives relentlessly. 

Effectively organizing this deluge is not merely an administrative task; it’s the linchpin to informed decision-making.

Essential tools and methods:

Your toolbox for feedback management can range from advanced software solutions like Usersnap to a humble yet powerful spreadsheet.

The crux isn’t just about having a tool but about leveraging one that facilitates effortless categorization and integrates seamlessly with other tools in your ecosystem. 

Doing so allows you to build a robust system that captures, classifies, and channels feedback, priming it for analysis and action.

Overcoming feedback challenges

Amidst the ocean of feedback, there will be waves that confuse and contradict.

Feedback might be redundant, oppose other inputs, or grow stale as market dynamics change. 

The challenge lies not just in collecting but in discerning which feedback truly matters.

It becomes crucial to regularly curate and validate these inputs, ensuring they align with your current product goals and user needs. 

This article is an excellent resource for those eager to delve deeper into crafting a refined feedback mechanism.

Effective feedback management is much like curating a library. Each piece of feedback is a book, and without proper organization, essential insights might just get lost in the stacks.

Ensure your feedback library is organized, updated, and always ready for action.

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4. Step – Prioritization frameworks not only for feedback

In the intricate dance of the product development life cycle, customer feedback too often takes center stage for product managers.

But how does one decide which feedback cues to act upon first?

This is where the magic of prioritization frameworks enters the picture.

They transform the seemingly ambiguous task of feedback prioritization into a structured, objective exercise.

What is a prioritization framework

A prioritization framework isn’t just a fancy term—it’s a systematic blueprint that helps dissect, evaluate, and rank feedback or tasks. It’s like a compass for decision-makers, ensuring you’re headed in the right direction based on tangible criteria. 

By employing these frameworks, companies ensure that every decision resonates with transparency and consistency, ensuring stakeholders are always on the same page.

What are the most well-known prioritization techniques?

Several techniques can assist in the prioritization process:

  • RICE Score: A holistic approach amalgamates Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort to derive a task’s intrinsic value.
  • MoSCoW Method: This method categorizes tasks into a hierarchy – spotlighting what’s essential and what can take a backseat.
  • Kano Model: An insightful technique that zooms into features based on their potential to amplify customer satisfaction.
  • Eisenhower Matrix: This matrix is all about playing the urgency and importance card right. It ensures you tackle what’s critical head-on.
  • Weighted Scoring Model: Think of this as a balancing act. It assigns importance to varying criteria, ensuring a comprehensive review.

Example using RICE Framework:

Let’s get practical! Imagine you’re showered with feedback proposing an innovative feature request for your app. Here’s how RICE would decode it:

  • Reach: Gauge the user base that will be impacted. Consider an audience of 10,000 over a quarter.
  • Impact: On our designated scale, ranging from 0.25 (minimal) to 3 (significant), this feature merits a 2.
  • Confidence: If you’re almost certain about your assessments, say about 90% translates to 0.9.
  • Effort: A pragmatic look at the effort—maybe it demands 100 man-hours.

Calculating the RICE Score

(Reach x Impact x Confidence) divided by Effort gives (10,000 x 2 x 0.9) / 100 = 180. Essentially, a towering RICE score is your green light, indicating it’s a top-tier priority list.

Prioritization frameworks are your navigational aids in the vast sea of feedback.

They ensure you sail smoothly, making informed decisions and maximizing the impact of every implemented feedback.

5. Step – Act on and customer data communicate your feedback

Prioritizing feedback is only half the battle.

Acting on it and communicating your decisions is equally essential.

Continuous improvement

As you act on feedback, measure the outcomes. Was the feedback valuable? Did it improve customer value of the product? Learning from past decisions how valuable feedback helps refine your prioritization strategy.

Communication with stakeholders

Inform stakeholders about your product decisions.

Explain the why, the how, and the expected benefits. This transparency fosters trust and ensures everyone is on the same page.

How Usersnap can help with the communication process

Usersnap can streamline the feedback communication process

With customizable reply templates, you can create responses based on key decision-making criteria. 

These templates can be periodically updated, ensuring stakeholders receive timely, relevant responses without delay.

Conflicting situations

Conflicting feedback is inevitable.

Some users might want Feature A, while others deem it unnecessary. Handling these situations requires diplomacy and clear communication. Explain the rationale behind your decisions, highlight the benefits, and always be open to revisiting decisions if necessary. 

After all, prioritizing feedback is an ongoing journey, not a destination.

6. Step – Learn and improve customer expectations

Continuous improvement isn’t just a catchphrase—it’s the heartbeat of every evolving product.

While feedback prioritization provides direction, constantly evaluating and refining your strategies based on real-world outcomes is essential.

It’s a Continuous Process.

The product landscape is dynamic. As technology advances and user preferences shift, feedback will evolve. This means that the prioritization process is not a one-time activity. It requires consistent evaluation and recalibration.

Improve your product strategy, vision, and product roadmap

The lessons you garner from feedback can lead to pivotal changes in your product’s direction.

It can reshape your vision, refine your strategy, and align your roadmap with user and customer needs more.

Remember, feedback isn’t just about addressing concerns—it’s a goldmine for innovation.

Evaluate your feedback criteria or your prioritization framework

As you move forward, some feedback criteria may become obsolete, and new ones might emerge.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your goals, methods, and frameworks ensures you’re always on top of what truly matters.

Usersnap for tracking bugs and issues

Create a workflow to turn feedback into actions

Triage and move along your incoming feedback, issues, and ideas with fully customizable status fields.

With the Kanban view, you can easily manage testing workflows and improvement pipelines.

Auto 2-way sync custom statuses with Jira and Azure DevOps, so that your development sprints, stakeholder’s guest board, and feedback center are all moving in harmony!

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Try Usersnap today

In the intricate dance of feedback prioritization, tools like Usersnap emerge as valuable allies.

It streamlines the feedback collection process, offers organization capabilities, and, most importantly, fosters collaboration.

With Usersnap, you can effortlessly categorize feedback, tag priorities, and manage them all in one place. Its integrative capabilities mean you can connect it to all your data and other product management tools, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

Usersnap’s customizable reply templates and boards enhance stakeholder communication.

Keeping everyone informed about the feedback decisions reduces redundancy, minimizes confusion, and reinforces trust.

Get started with Usersnap and deliver what users want. Collect your first 20 feedback items for free, upgrade to continue acting on the insights.

Capture user feedback easily. Get more insights and make confident product decisions.

Microsurveys by Usersnap

Getting feedback has never been easier and we hope you’ve realized that after reading this article. Let us know what you think, your feedback is important.

And if you’re ready to try out a customer feedback software, Usersnap offers a free trial. Sign up today or book a demo with our feedback specialists.