Best Web Development Trends

Technology changes constantly, so to be at the top of your game as a web developer, it’s vital you’re keeping up.

It can be confusing and discerning when so many updates and developments are being released every few weeks. With 2017 just getting started, we’ve put together some information about the anticipated trends for this upcoming year and some advice about what areas of development you should be focusing on.

Discussing new frameworks, techniques, and tools which are all working to enhance UX, consider this blog your one-stop-shop for all things 2017! Continue Reading “Best Web Development Trends”

10 Web Design Trends for 2025

This article is brought to you by Usersnap, a bug tracker and feedback tool that helps you to communicate visually. Get a 15-day free trial here

Update 2024:
You can find the web design trends for 2018 in this article right here. If you’re still here to check out the best web design trends of 2018 – feel free to read on. Many of them are still relevant for 2025 as well.

As technology advances and becomes more ingrained into every facet of our daily lives, users are demanding more and more from their online user experiences (UX).

Personal, interactive, and relevant are three keywords which users want from their UX. Which basically means web designers now face the challenge of developing a website which understands and responds to its users throughout the process.

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How to give a great design feedback

Imagine this. The web designer of your team has spent the last week working on design drafts for a new website of yours. She perfectly highlighted user stories and designed all possible user interactions on that particular site.

She presents the design drafts and user stories to the team. And her design presentation ends with a simple: “And guys, what do you think?”.

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Web design is dead. Long live experience design.

In the realm of the design world today, the term “web design” has become something of an understatement, especially when we look at where web design has come from compared to 20 years ago.

The traditional idea of web design has evolved tremendously, especially in the last couple of years. The web is all around us, no matter if we think about smart bubbles, glasses, or other IoT devices. I guess the pioneers of the web, would be surprised in which devices web design can be found nowadays.

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The Best Redmine Plugins to Boost Your Project Management

Redmine is used by many web teams around the globe. It’s flexible, web-based and runs open source. In this article, we are going to show you how to get more out of your Redmine projects by integrating it with some great Redmine plugins.

But before we dig into the Redmine, we do cover some basics of Redmine.

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How to set up a blog without WordPress

WordPress is a great tool. In fact, about 50% of all websites out there use WordPress. So, it’s no wonder that when you’re thinking of starting a blog for your company or simply develop a new website, WordPress is one of the first things that comes to mind.

But it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows and sometimes, you’re better off looking elsewhere. At least you should consider other alternatives to WordPress before getting starting without losing even a thought.

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The art of error: 17 software companies with creative 404 pages

We at Usersnap love 404 pages. Don’t get me wrong. We don’t want our website visitors, customers, and users to see our 404 page. Because it would mean that something went wrong. A broken link or some other mixup.

But if someone happens to see our 404 page, she should get at least some fun out of it. And luckily we’re not alone here. More and more software companies are putting fantastic 404 pages out there.

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7 unexpected lessons learned from writing 200+ articles

I love to write. For me, writing is a special place where I feel good and happy.

Writing is so much more for me than just the process of writing. It motivates me, it educates me, it inspires me, it connects me with like-minded people.

Just recently, I discovered something pretty awesome. In the last 18 months, I have written 200+ articles. That’s 11 articles per month or 2,75 articles per week. It might not sound a lot for some people, but for me it definitely is.

These are the top 7 things I’ve learned about writing design articles, development tutorials, and reviews on tools and frameworks. I’m grateful for each lesson, and I’m excited to learn more as I continue my journey.
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Why every SaaS company should perform user tests

We often hear the phrase “prevention is better than cure”. It’s gotten a bit old over time, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

This phrase sums up the zest of the article you’re going to read now. Before you roll out any product, you always test it. You basically just make sure that everything you designed is there and it works exactly like you designed it.

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