How to Capture or Record Video from Website for Feedback [Tips & Tools]

If you’re searching for a tool to capture or record video from a website to improve your support process, then most likely, this is how your users typically send a question/complaint:

They find your “support@email” and write something vague, like: “My web page loads funny and slow.”

You ask for more details; they reply in a few days. After three or four back-and-forths, the culprit turns out to be the customer’s buggy add-on.

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Closed-loop feedback: The Best Ways to Use NPS

Ever started collecting customer feedback, but couldn’t make it actionable in the end? Sounds all too familiar to us, which is why we learned over time how to close the customer feedback loop properly.

The customer feedback loop allows you to implement change according to what your customers have to say. This is one of the best ways to improve your company in an efficient and meaningful way. 

More specifically, a closed feedback loop is when you follow up with the customers and show them how their opinions have impacted your business decisions. This shows them that they’re valued by your business, which in turn can mean more conversions and long-term sustainability for you.

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An interview with John Kotowski on product pricing surveys: pricing research is not just “how much are you willing to pay”

You either have a million questions that you don’t know how to arrange on your product pricing survey, or your mind is blank and you don’t know where to start. Well, monetizing your product is a pretty complex topic and many companies, in fear of going down a rabbit hole, tend to keep their distance from adapting and changing their prices. 

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Top 25 Website Feedback Widgets 2024

Imagine a SaaS company that has personally engaged with up to 50% of its users—unprecedented, right?

Well, prepare to be amazed, because at Usersnap, we’ve achieved this remarkable feat using a simple feedback widget for websites, apps, and products. In fact, over half of our customers have eagerly shared their feedback through our widget, and our power users consistently contribute 2-5 feedback items every quarter without any prompting.

In this article, you will check the updated list of tools what are offering those widgets and you will also understand how this little thing can be added to your web or mobile applications.

For a SaaS product to grow and stay relevant (or any company’s growth, for that matter), you need to have a constant stream of customer feedback on the website and in-app.

However, it’s way easier said than done. We will share with you how you can set up interactive widgets on websites and how to increase engagement for feedback sections on websites.

By the end of this read, you will be ready to create a feedback button with a template.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS): the right way to use it + case study

Do you keep hearing about Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a great tool for improving customer satisfaction, boosting customer lifetime value, and generating more revenue?

If you’re interested in learning what Net Promoter Score is about and implementing it into your business – you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’re going to go over what NPS is, as well as discuss its advantages and challenges. 

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The Most Hands-on Guide for SaaS Go-to-Market Strategy and Product Launch Plans

Whether you’re still validating your SaaS product idea or launching a new feature to an existing product line, thinking about your Go-To-Market Strategy is always relevant. In fact, iterating your strategy and improving each feature Go-To-Market plan as you grow and receive customer feedback is even more important.

Here’s the rub; no two companies are the exact same, so you can’t copy and paste a GMT strategy into your business and expect the same results. Instead, you can follow this hands-on guide for go-to-market strategy and product launch plans. 

In this article, we’ll share tips and advice all about SaaS go-to-market strategies, with questions to ask, things to consider, and data to research so you can start your commercial enterprise on the right footing. Let’s dive in! 

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Customer Support Tools Breakdown in 2024: Which One Fits Your SaaS Tool Stack?

When you’re searching for customer support tools, you want to make sure that it ticks all the boxes your team requires. After all, customer support interactions can be some of the most memorable opportunities to impress a user in need of assistance. So, congratulations! You’re off to a good start by researching the available options.

Customers often hope to interact with a company on multiple levels – email, phone, chat, and social media. Each method requires different tools to achieve the desired outcome. To be successful, you need to equip your support staff with the right customer support tools to deliver superior customer service. 

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