
Best 15+6 UAT testing tools (2024)

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is important for more agile software development teams.

It’s the last stage in the software development life cycle, and it ensures every product meets the requirements and designations of the users.

However, as pivotal as it is, it’s frequently harassed by challenges, underscoring the quintessential role of having adept UAT testing tools.

One of the most infamous events highlighting the consequences of inadequate UAT was the launch of the Healthcare.gov website in the United States in 2013. When the Affordable Care Act portal came out, the website was meant to provide millions with easy access to healthcare plans.

At launch, the site had a myriad of problems:

  • Many potential customers couldn’t create accounts or log in.
  • Price comparison tools often didn’t work.
  • Data mismatches occurred, with some users receiving incorrect insurance information or pricing.
  • The system’s backend also faced problems, including incorrect data sent to insurance companies.

Reports suggest that while some testing was done, the entire end-to-end process needed to be thoroughly tested from the user’s perspective. 

This is why the magic of the best user acceptance testing tools is crucial. A well-orchestrated array of user acceptance test tools turns critics into standing ovations and happy users.

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List of user acceptance testing tools

In the world of User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the tools you choose can make a difference in the execution and outcome of your tests. Every tool comes with a unique set of features designed to cater to diverse testing requirements. 

Below, we’re diving into a swift but helpful review of several great tools for user acceptance testing. We examine their offerings and assess how they can elevate your UAT beta testing experience.

Also, check out our user acceptance testing template collection and try them to get practical insights!

1. Usersnap

Usersnap caters to the intricate needs of UAT, anchoring the bridge between user feedback and developmental refinements. With its intuitive interface and robust feature set, it is designed to capture and manage user feedback with unmatched precision.

Usersnap is a visual communication tool tailored to capture and annotate feedback directly on live websites and applications. It streamlines the feedback loop, ensuring developers and product managers receive real-time insights, making the refinement software testing process much more efficient and targeted.

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Best web annotation tools to annotate webpages

Main features


Usersnap offers various pricing tiers, including a custom quote option for enterprises with bespoke needs. The pricing is adaptable, with options catering to startups, mid-sized companies, and large enterprises, ensuring scalability and affordability.

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2. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg unveils user interaction insights, illuminating how users engage with a website, what captures their attention, and areas that may fall short.

Crazy Egg is a website optimization tool that provides insights into user behavior through heatmaps, scroll maps, and A/B testing. It’s instrumental in understanding user engagement patterns, enabling businesses to refine and optimize their websites for enhanced user experience and conversion.

Main features

  • Heatmaps for visualizing user clicks and interactions
  • Scroll maps to analyze how far users scroll down the webpage
  • A/B testing for website optimization
  • User recordings to view user navigation and interaction patterns


Crazy Egg has a tiered pricing model that caters to different business sizes and needs. Each of the 5 plans offers a range of features, with scalability and flexibility at the forefront, allowing businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific requirements and budget constraints.

3. UsabilityHub / Lyssna

UsabilityHub is a comprehensive platform that gathers user feedback to inform design decisions effectively. The standout characteristic of this tool is its simplicity and efficiency in collecting actionable insights.

UsabilityHub fosters the creation of user-centric designs by providing quick and straightforward feedback from real users. This results in enhanced user experience and interface design.

Main features

  • Remote User Testing: Allows users to gather feedback from a diverse audience without geographical constraints.
  • Variety of Test Types: Includes five-second user acceptance tests, preference tests, and navigation tests to cover all usability aspects.
  • Audience Targeting: Target by demographic or use your audience.
  • Rapid Results: Receive feedback quickly to iterate design processes faster.


UsabilityHub operates on a flexible pricing model with a free option for occasional users, standard and pro tiers. They offer a free standard plan with limited features and two paid plans, which provide more extensive testing options and faster results.

4. UserTesting

UserTesting is a live, on-demand platform that lets companies quickly receive direct feedback from their target audience.

Its primary characteristic is the real-time interaction with participants, offering immediate insights and the ability to ask follow-up questions. This immediacy aids businesses in making informed decisions faster.

Main features

  • Real-Time Feedback: Direct interaction with the target audience.
  • Target Audience Selection: Custom audience selection based on specific demographics and behaviors.
  • Video Insights: Receive video feedback to understand user emotions and reactions.
  • Prototype Testing: Test prototypes to gather insights before final implementation.


UserTesting offers customized pricing based on the client’s needs and the required testing scale. They provide three tiers: Essentials, Advance, and Ultimate. Each tier offers different access to each of UserTesting’s capabilities. 

5. UserReport

UserReport is a tool designed for collecting feedback and insights from website users through surveys and feedback forums. The significant advantage of UserReport is its seamless integration with websites and applications to gather real-time insights from actual users, making it an invaluable asset for ongoing user feedback and website optimization.

Main features

  • Embedded Surveys: Integrate surveys directly into websites for real-time feedback.
  • Feedback Forum: Users can provide insights and vote on others’ feedback.
  • Custom Surveys: Tailor surveys to fit specific data collection needs.
  • Analytics Integration: Combine with Google Analytics for comprehensive insights.


UserReport is free, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. It provides all its features without cost, ensuring companies can continuously gather and analyze user feedback without financial constraints. There is a premium version, but you can access all the features through the free version. 

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6. Maze

Maze is a user-testing platform that turns prototypes into actionable insights from real users, bringing clarity to the design process. Its distinguishing feature is the rapid usability testing process, offering actionable insights within hours. It’s ideal for designers looking to validate and iterate designs swiftly.

Maze offers a free plan with limited possibilities to execute tests and features and three paid plans for more extensive automated testing frameworks, options and additional features. The pricing is tiered to cater to individuals, teams, and enterprises, ensuring affordability and scalability for users at all levels.

Main features

  • Rapid Testing: Fast turnaround of results.
  • Prototype Testing: Supports testing for platforms like Sketch, Marvel, and InVision.
  • User Metrics: Detailed user analytics for informed decisions.
  • Collaboration: Share insights and collaborate with teams directly on the platform.


7. Amplitude

Amplitude is a robust product analytics platform that empowers teams to use data, glean actionable insights, and drive product innovation.

The critical characteristic of Amplitude is its emphasis on behavioral reporting, giving businesses a profound understanding of user actions and motivations. It is instrumental in helping teams understand and analyze customer behavior at scale, leading to informed decision-making.

Main features

  • Behavioral Analytics: Analyze user behavior to gain in-depth insights.
  • Real-Time Data: Access updated data in real-time for timely decisions.
  • Custom Reports: Customize reports to focus on specific data and insights.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other tools and platforms for enhanced analytics.


Amplitude provides a free plan with standard features for startups and small teams with the Plus tier also being targeted to small teams. Amplitude also offers custom pricing for its Growth and Enterprise plans, which include advanced features, higher data volumes, and additional security and compliance measures.

8. Zephyr

Zephyr is a leading test management solution tailored for businesses seeking robust functionalities to improve quality and efficiency in their testing software development lifecycle.

Its standout feature is its comprehensive, real-time insights, facilitating collaboration and productivity among QA teams and ensuring top-notch software quality.

Main features

  • Real-Time Analytics: Obtain insights in real-time for informed decision-making.
  • Integration: Integrates with JIRA, Confluence, and other popular tools.
  • Customization: Tailor workflows and fields to your testing needs.
  • Automation: Automated testing for efficiency and accuracy.


Zephyr operates on a subscription pricing model. They offer a variety of packages, including Zephyr for Jira and Zephyr Enterprise, each priced based on the number of users and the range of features included, ensuring scalability and flexibility. There are a few options regarding servers and the number of users, which greatly affect the final pricing. 

9. UserBrain

UserBrain is a user testing platform that provides businesses with continuous user feedback for websites and products. The distinguishing feature is its simplicity and efficiency in functional testing, helping teams identify usability issues early, and facilitating iterative improvements.

Main features

  • Continuous Feedback: Receive weekly user feedback videos.
  • Diverse Testers: Access a pool of varied testers for diverse insights.
  • Ease of Use: Simple setup and user-friendly interface.
  • Integration: Compatible with prototypes and live websites.


UserBrain adopts a subscription-based pricing model, offering plans that provide weekly user test data and videos, allowing businesses to collect and analyze user feedback continuously. There are three tiers: Starter, Pro, and Agency. Custom pricing options are available for teams with specific testing needs and volumes.

10. Hotjar

Hotjar is a popular tool that offers insights into user behavior and feedback on your website. The intuitive heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys enable businesses to understand user actions and feelings directly.

Hotjar’s ability to combine analysis and feedback tools makes it unique, offering a 360-degree view of user interactions.

Main features

  • Heatmaps: Visualize user behavior to understand their preferences and challenges.
  • Session Recordings: Watch real user interactions to identify usability issues.
  • Surveys: Collect feedback directly from users for qualitative insights.
  • Form Analysis: Understand how users interact with forms and identify drop-offs.


Hotjar’s pricing will vary for each project. They encourage customers to contact their sales team to find a solution appropriate to their company’s needs. 

11. UseBerry

UseBerry is an intuitive tool that facilitates comprehensive user testing.

Known for its user-friendly interface, it empowers businesses to quickly gather insights through actionable analytics. The most appealing aspect is its dynamic user testing abilities, enabling businesses to optimize their user experience with informed data.

Main features

  • User Tests: Create interactive tests for real users, receiving actionable insights.
  • Heatmaps: Analyze user interaction patterns effectively.
  • Funnel Analysis: Pinpoint where users drop off to improve conversion rates.
  • Task Analytics: Understand users’ efficiency and satisfaction levels.


UseBerry offers a tiered pricing model. It includes a free plan for standard access, a Growth plan with a fixed price, and an Enterprise level that can be customized according to your needs. 

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12. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a user feedback and survey tool that integrates AI-powered analytics. It’s renowned for delivering contextual insights through targeted surveys, nudges, and AI sentiment analysis, bridging the gap between user behavior and feedback, leading to enhanced user experience and increased conversions.

Main features

  • Targeted Surveys: Deploy surveys based on user behavior and demographics.
  • AI Sentiment Analysis: Translate user feedback into actionable insights.
  • Integration: Integrates seamlessly with popular analytics and A/B testing tools.
  • Customization: Customize surveys to fit the brand’s aesthetics and goals.


Qualaroo’s pricing is structured around three different plans based on features, including custom plans tailored to specific enterprise requirements, offering flexibility and a wide range of options to prospective users. 

13. ContentSquare

ContentSquare is a sophisticated analytics and feedback tool designed to optimize user experience and enhance conversions. It’s characterized by AI-powered analytics, visualizations, and session replays, granting businesses profound insights into user behavior and interaction with their content.

Main features

  • AI Insights: Obtain AI-driven insights to identify areas of improvement.
  • Session Replays: Visualize user interactions for a closer look at user behavior.
  • Heatmaps: Analyze user preferences to understand clicks, swipes, and movements.
  • UX Metrics: Measure user experience through unique metrics and KPIs.


ContentSquare doesn’t openly share its pricing; it offers custom pricing depending on the specific needs and scale of the business. The tailor-made plans ensure that businesses pay for their required features and capacities.

14. Sentry

Sentry is renowned for real-time error tracking that gives developers insight into issues in their code. It provides detailed analytics and actionable insights to fix and optimize applications. The primary advantage is its proactive approach to identify, triage, and resolve errors before they affect the end-users, ensuring an optimal user experience.

Main features

  • Real-Time Error Tracking: Immediate insights into errors and performance issues.
  • Detailed Reports: Rich data on errors to facilitate quick resolution.
  • Integration: Seamless compatibility with popular programming languages and workflows.
  • Performance Monitoring: Insights into how code impacts customer experience.


Sentry operates on a freemium model. It offers a free tier with basic error tracking and performance features, while the premium plans provide enhanced capacities, security, and support options to suit varied operational scales and complexities. However, three paid tiers are also aimed at one-person companies, small and medium companies, and big enterprises. 

15. FullStory

FullStory specializes in digital experience insights, combining analytics and feedback to improve user experience. The standout feature is its “pixel-perfect” session replay, providing an in-depth look at user interactions. This aids businesses in identifying usability issues and opportunities for optimization.

Main features

  • Session Replays: Capture and analyze every user interaction.
  • Heatmaps: Visual representation of clicks, movements, and scrolls.
  • Funnel Analytics: Identify bottlenecks and optimize conversion paths.
  • Integration: Compatible with a myriad of third-party applications for enhanced insights.


FullStory offers customized pricing tailored to individual business needs. They offer three paid tiers: Enterprise, Advanced, and Business. Each one offers more capabilities than the previous tier.

Types of examples of external user acceptance testing tools

Regarding User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the choice of tools in your arsenal can significantly influence the outcome. Various tools with distinct features and capabilities cater to internal user acceptance testing, needs and identify test scenarios well.

In this section, let’s walk through various user acceptance testing tools, including automated, free, and manual options.

3 automated user acceptance testing tools

Automated tools are a game-changer in UAT, offering speed and efficiency. Let’s explore some top picks in this category. 

1. Testsigma

Testsigma is a cloud-based UAT tool designed for agility. It allows for scriptless automated testing, making it user-friendly even for non-technical team members. With AI support, maintenance is simplified, and there’s a rich repository of pre-built functions. 

Testsigma adapts to changes quickly, ensuring the test cases evolve alongside the application under test. The tool allows easy integration with CI/CD tools, promoting continuous testing and deployment. 

However, its emphasis on simplicity may only cater to some complex testing test scenarios.


Tricentis TOSCA excels in continuous testing, bolstered by risk-based test optimization. It supports the integration testing a broad spectrum of technologies and is known for its model-based approach to test automation. While powerful, a learning curve exists, especially for those unfamiliar with model-based software testing.

3. TestComplete

TestComplete offers an intuitive UI and robust testing capabilities. It supports multiple scripting languages and allows for both keyword-driven and data-driven unit testing together. On the downside, script execution can sometimes be slow, impacting rapid testing cycles.

Moreover, users might occasionally encounter compatibility issues with certain browsers or operating systems, warranting additional troubleshooting.

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3 free user acceptance testing tools

Cost efficiency without compromising quality is pivotal; here, we spotlight free tools that strike this delicate balance.

1. Selenium

Selenium is a popular open-source tool that supports multiple languages and browsers. It’s highly flexible but requires substantial programming knowledge, potentially limiting its accessibility to coders.


While not a testing tool per se, JIRA supports UAT through its task and bug-tracking features. It’s highly customizable but can be complex to set up and optimize. The best is to use JIRA with Usersnap.

3. TestRail

TestRail allows for comprehensive test case management. It’s user-friendly with powerful reporting features but lacks built-in test execution capabilities. Additionally, while it offers integrations with various third-party applications, the initial configuration can be tedious for beginners.

UAT manual testing tools

Manual UAT tools, like Usersnap and Crazy Egg, offer interactive testing interfaces and rich user feedback but can be labor-intensive. Automated tools like Testsigma expedite test execution but may require upfront setup and optimization. 

While manual tools provide a closer reflection of the actual user experience, they may not be feasible for large-scale applications or those with frequent updates due to the time and resources they consume.

The choice between automated tests and manual testing and automated often hinges on the testing scope, complexity, and available resources.

User acceptance testing process

Performing UAT testing involves meticulously planned and executed steps to the system testing phase ensure the software meets the end user’s expectations and requirements.

Here is a concise step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the full alpha testing process:

  • Planning: Begin with a clear UAT plan outlining the testing objectives, scenarios, criteria for success, and participants. Prepare detailed test cases to cover all user scenarios.
  • Preparation: Equip the testing environment with the necessary data and tools. Ensure it mimics the live environment to capture realistic user interactions and feedback.
  • Execution: Engage end users to execute test cases, encouraging them to explore and interact with the application. Record their feedback and observations for analysis.
  • Analysis & Reporting: Evaluate the collected data, identifying bugs, and areas for improvement. Document the findings in a comprehensive report highlighting successes and areas needing attention.
  • Refinements: Collaborate with the development team to implement necessary adjustments. Every change should be reviewed and tested to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.
  • Approval & Deployment: Once the application meets the set criteria and receives approval from the stakeholders, proceed to deployment, marking the completion of the UAT process. It’s crucial to maintain open communication channels throughout this process.

    Regularly updating stakeholders and actively seeking their feedback can help preemptively identify potential challenges and address them promptly.

Remember, UAT is not a one-off event but a continual process, adapting to the evolving user expectations and application enhancements to deliver a consistently exceptional user experience.

Which is the best user acceptance testing tool?

Navigating the landscape of UAT tools, Usersnap emerges prominently, marking its territory as a preferred choice for many professionals. 

With its intuitive interface, comprehensive feedback capture, and collaborative features, Usersnap simplifies and optimizes the UAT process. 

It fosters real-time collaboration, ensuring that every stakeholder is aligned, and feedback is promptly addressed, driving efficient refinements and ensuring the delivered product resonates with user expectations and requirements.

However, it’s essential to note that the best tool often varies based on specific project requirements, team expertise, and the testing environment. So, while Usersnap is a top contender among UAT testing tools, assessing individual needs and conducting trials with potential tools is always recommended.


In User Acceptance Testing, the right tool is your compass, navigating you through user expectations and application intricacies and delivering a product that works and wows. Usersnap is a testament to this synergy, blending simplicity, efficiency, and collaboration. 

As you step into your next UAT endeavor, remember that the tool you wield can amplify or attenuate your efforts.

Choose wisely. Choose Usersnap. Dive into a world where testing is not a hurdle but a journey of discovery, refinement, and unison between developers and users. 

Your optimal UAT experience is just a click away.

Join us at Usersnap, where every click, every feedback, is a step closer to perfection. Get started with Usersnap and deliver what users want. Collect your first 20 feedback items for free, upgrade to continue acting on the insights.

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Visual bug tracking by Usersnap

Simplify and reduce issue & bug reporting efforts with screen recordings, screenshots, and annotations.

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