
How to Write a Good User Story: Examples & Using Feedback

user story examples

The origin of user stories can be traced back to the late 1990s, when they were introduced as part of the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology to bridge the gap between customers and development teams. In the context of agile framework user stories, they fit into the larger scope of the Agile framework for project management and product development by decomposing large business requirements into user personas. This aids agile teams in achieving requirements iteratively.

To best understand the concept of user stories, let’s look at an example involving a popular tech product, such as Uber.

In the conventional approach, tasks might be outlined in a very technical and feature-specific manner. For instance, a task list for developing the ride-booking feature might include:

  • Develop the booking interface.
  • Create a driver-matching algorithm.
  • Implement payment gateway integration.

While this approach clearly specifies what needs to be done, it often misses the broader context and the user’s perspective. Developers may focus on completing tasks without fully understanding the end user’s experience, leading to features that are technically sound but lack usability and relevance.

In contrast, let’s look at the same functionalities in the form of user stories:

  • As a commuter, I want to book a ride quickly so that I can get to my destination without delays.
  • As a rider, I want to see the estimated arrival time of my driver so that I can plan my time better.
  • As a passenger, I want to pay seamlessly through the app so that I don’t have to carry cash.

Each user story describes a narrative that captures the who, what, and why from the user’s viewpoint within the Agile framework.

They provide a common language that both technical and non-technical members can understand, reducing the risk of miscommunication and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

By framing tasks from the user’s perspective, user stories ensure that development efforts are directly aligned with delivering value to the user. It also makes it easier to plan development cycles and allocate resources effectively, ensuring that the most impactful features are delivered first.

At the same time, user stories are flexible and can be easily adapted as new insights are gained or user needs to evolve. They allow the development teams the freedom to innovate and solve real customer problems.

This iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and refinement of features, leading to a more responsive and user-friendly product.

Getting Started with User Stories

Imagine you’re building a house. You wouldn’t start by picking up a hammer and nails without a blueprint, right?

This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the essential stages of crafting effective agile user stories within an Agile framework, using an example of a task management and team collaboration product. We will introduce the concept of a user story template to help you understand the standard format for writing user stories. We will cover the creation and management of user stories, including the composition of user stories, responsibilities for writing them, and the importance of writing user stories from the user persona’s point of view to avoid potential issues.

Step 1: Define the Product Vision and Strategy

Before writing user stories, it’s crucial to clearly understand your product’s vision and strategy. 

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The vision is the ultimate goal or purpose of the product, while the strategy outlines the approach and tactics to achieve the vision. Having these in place ensures that every user story aligns with the broader objectives of the product.

Step 2: Identify User Personas

User personas are fictional characters that represent different segments of your user base. Each user persona should have specific characteristics, needs, and goals. By incorporating user personas into the user story format, you can better understand the user’s needs, goals, and behaviors.

By identifying and understanding your top 3-5 user personas, you can create user stories tailored to their unique perspectives and requirements.


  • Meet Sami, a product owner who needs to prioritize and track feature development.
  • Meet Shannon, a software developer who needs a distraction-free environment for coding.
  • Meet Sarah, a scrum master who needs to coordinate with her remote team efficiently.
  • Meet Carlos, an IT admin who manages user access control and ensures the application’s security.

By leveraging user personas, teams can ensure that every feature developed aligns directly with what users truly want and need.

Step 3: Gather Requirements and Insights

Gathering requirements and insights is a critical step in creating user stories, as it forms the foundation upon which the stories are built. This process involves collecting detailed information from various sources to understand your users’ needs, pain points, and desires. 

User interviews and surveys are two of the most direct methods to gather insights about a user’s experiences, challenges, and specific needs. Design your questions to capture both measurable data and detailed feedback by including a mix of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions.

Example Interview Question: “Can you walk me through your typical day and how what you currently use to accomplish your tasks?”

Example Survey Question: “On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with our product’s current collaboration features?”

In addition, usage data can provide valuable insights into how users interact with your product. 

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Tools like Usersnap can streamline the process of collecting and managing user feedback in the form of bugs, new feature requests and micro surveys.

Such tools allow users to easily submit their feedback directly from the product, capturing screenshots, doing annotations, and comments that provide a rich context for their issues and suggestions. 

This type of feedback provides product teams additional context to easily identify issues and be able to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Integrating these tools into your workflow can help you efficiently gather real-time, actionable insights.

feature request usrsnap widget

Step 4: Writing User Stories

The requirements are then broken down into user stories using a specific user story format within the Agile framework. This format includes the decomposition of business requirements into user personas, the use of 3Cs (card, conversation, confirmation) for creating user stories, and the visual representation of user stories using templates such as index cards and PowerPoint. A PowerPoint user story example can be particularly useful for illustrating complex scenarios. Each user story covers a shippable functionality that can be designed, developed, tested, and released to the users in isolation.

Writing user stories involves crafting a clear and concise narrative that outlines a specific feature or functionality from the user’s perspective. The structured approach covered in this section ensures clarity, facilitates communication, and helps maintain a user-centric focus throughout the development process.

A. Title

The title of a user story should be a brief summary of its functionality. It should clearly indicate what the story is about at a glance.

Example: “Creating a new task”

B. User Story Statement: Role, Goal, Benefit

One of the most popular templates for writing the main statement of a user story follows the format: “As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason/benefit].” 

This format helps to clarify who the user is, what they want to achieve, and why it is important.

Example: “As a product owner, I want to create and assign tasks so that my team knows what to work on and when.”

C. Description

It is a common misconception that a user story only includes the statement.

The description provides additional context or details about the user story. This section can include relevant information that helps the development team understand the user’s needs and how to implement the functionality.

It is where all the specific details captured during discovery would come in to help. Tools like Usersnap can help enrich the feedback requests by allowing users to attach screenshots with annotations, as well as automatically capturing details about the user’s browser, device, location and other specifications.

Example: “The task creation interface should allow the product owner to add task details such as title, description, due date, and assignee. There should also be options to set priorities and add tags for better organization.”

D. Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria define the conditions that must be met for the user story to be considered complete. These criteria provide clear and testable requirements, ensuring that the feature delivers the intended value and functions as expected.


  1. The product owner can create a new task with a title, description, priority, due date, and assignee.
  2. The description field supports rich text formatting.
  3. The priority field includes predefined options: High, Medium, Low.
  4. The due date can be selected from a date picker and must be a future date.
  5. The assignee field should allow selecting of one or more team members from a dropdown list.

Once the development is complete for a given user story, Product Owners or QA can also use the Usersnap widget to check the functionality against the predefined acceptance criteria. The widget allows to specify discrepancies easily using screenshots, annotations and comments.

By including these components, each user story becomes a comprehensive and actionable item that guides the development team in creating features aligned with user needs and expectations.

This structured approach ensures clarity, facilitates communication, and helps maintain a user-centric focus throughout development.

Step 5: Prioritizing User Stories

Not all user stories are created equal. Therefore, they need to be ranked.

As a Product Owner, your primary responsibility is to ensure that the development teams focus on the items that create the most impact on your product.

To help prioritize, you need some measure of the impact that each user story will bring. This could be a combination of factors such as reach, impact, and alignment with strategic goals. Understanding the potential business value helps you focus on features that will benefit users and the organization most.

Additionally, it’s essential to estimate the development effort required for each user story. This is often done using story points, a relative estimation technique considering the complexity, risk, and effort needed to complete the task. Story points are generally preferred over man-hours because they encourage teams to think about the overall scope and complexity rather than just the time it might take.

Product teams can hold estimation sessions where they discuss each user story and come to a consensus on the number of story points it should be assigned. This collaborative approach, called Planning Poker, ensures that everyone has a shared understanding of the work involved.

Once you have estimates for business value and the development effort, you can use any prioritization framework (like RICE) that uses a combination of Effort vs Impact to help prioritize your user stories. 

This structured approach to prioritization helps maintain a clear direction for the product, facilitates better resource allocation, and ultimately leads to a more successful and user-centric product.

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New ways of working

As technology evolves, so too do our tools.

New tools and technologies offer innovative ways to enhance and streamline the user story writing process.

Remember, user stories are living documents. They evolve as you learn more about your users through testing and feedback.

Technical user story examples illustrate how user stories create a connection between strategic planning and iteration planning. This connection helps keep track of organizational goals and achievements in Agile methodologies.

Modern tools like Usersnap facilitate collaboration with your customers by automating the process of collecting post-production insights that are crucial to iterating your user stories. Additionally, some teams still prefer using a Word Doc user story format for its simplicity and ease of sharing.

Usersnap integrates seamlessly with product development platforms such as Jira and Azure DevOps, and can capture and organize all types of issues, feedback, and new feature requests neatly within your product backlog.

By receiving a prioritized list of feedback in your backlog, you’re already halfway to success.

Customers can influence the prioritization of roadmap items through community upvotes, ensuring development teams always focus on the highest impact features, and making sure their efforts are directed towards what truly matters.

Another significant advancement in the last couple of years has been with User Story writing through Generative AI.

AI tools can help process feedback, validate assumptions, and facilitate user story writing by providing templates and examples tailored to user personas and needs. This not only speeds up the process but also ensures that the stories are data-driven and highly relevant.

👉 Want to learn more about using Generative AI to write user stories? Check out my video where I demonstrate the process using ChatGPT.

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Concluding Tips💡 for Success

  1. Out with the Old: Keep your backlog fresh. If a story hasn’t been prioritized in a year, it’s time to trash it or give it a makeover before development.
  2. Be Specific, Yet Flexible: Define the “what” and “why” clearly, but leave the “how” open for your team to bring their creative genius to the table.
  3. Less is More: No one likes to read verbose user stories. Keep descriptions under 200 words to ensure they are read.
  4. Don’t Get Too Attached: Remain open to iterating your user stories based on new information received.
  5. Listen to your Users: The most important person to listen to is your user, not your executives. Regularly harness real user feedback to keep your stories relevant and impactful.
  6. Use Simple User Story Examples: Emphasize simplicity and clarity in your user stories. A simple user story example can effectively convey a lot of information in just a few words, addressing the WHAT and WHY parts of a feature, making it easier for product and tech teams to understand and assess relevant acceptance criteria.

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