12 Best Client Collaboration Tools in 2024

For web development agencies, thriving in business hinges on seamless client collaboration. Effective, two-way communication between clients and teams—be it managers, designers, or developers—is critical to a company’s success.

One powerful way to enhance efficiency is by implementing structured systems. Client collaboration tools offer the perfect solution, enabling agencies and clients to communicate, collaborate, share files, and address issues swiftly and effectively.

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17 Excellent Open Source Bug Tracking Tools in 2024

Over the last few years, developers have had some superpowers. Or at least technologies such as open-source bug trackers enabled devs to do amazing things – and that’s incredible. That, combined with understanding user and customer feedback, has made devs more important than ever within any business.

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How Swarming Technology Cut User Acceptance Testing by 20%, Accelerating Success With Clients

Many believe that “process is the foundation of success,” and for those who aren’t entirely convinced, this article might just change your mind. 

We sat down with Germaine Krystowiak, Chief Marketing Officer at Swarming Technology, to learn more about how the team streamlined their UAT process and reduced UAT execution time by 20% across all projects company wide. This resulted in more on-time project completions and strengthening client loyalty, driving them through over a decade of consistent growth.

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Templates & Examples

User Acceptance testing is an important – yet often overlooked – step in every software development project.

The principle of UAT is simple: It allows you to verify if a solution/software/application works for the end user by testing it.

Yet its implementation in real-life software development teams and processes is something a lot of companies struggle with.

In this article, we will guide you through a practical user acceptance testing example, illustrated by testing a Trello feature.

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Best 20 Web Application Testing Tools in 2024

Are you experiencing delays and setbacks in your product development process due to ineffective bug-reporting methods? Selecting the best website application testing tools is crucial for crafting superior software products, enhancing the testing process, and ensuring high-quality outcomes.

Embrace solutions that expedite workflow and economize resources, eliminating the usual stressors plaguing development projects. The right web testing tools play a pivotal role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process.

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Best 16+1 Usability Testing Tools 2024

For Product Managers and Developers, selecting the right, usability testing platform and tool isn’t just a task; it’s a crucial step in shaping your product’s success.

Imagine this: you’re crafting an experience meant to resonate with users, but if your tool needs to capture their behavior, preferences, and pain points effectively, you might be steering in the dark. 

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5 Types of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) + Free Templates

The methodology of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is pretty straightforward. The implementation itself requires some in-depth knowledge of the available types of User Acceptance Testing tools, though.

User Acceptance Testing is the process of verifying that a created solution/software works for ‘the user’. This might sound easy enough, but, in practice, it isn’t.

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Web application testing: 6-step guide how to test a website

More and more web applications are being developed these days. And with each line of code being written, the potential for bugs arises.

Generally speaking, the costs of fixing bugs increase exponentially the later you find them.

The Systems Sciences Institute at IBM found that “the cost to fix an error found after product release was 4 to 5 times more than one uncovered during design, and up to 100 times more than one identified in the maintenance phase”.

And a study by the University of Cambridge found that software bugs cause economic damage of $312 billion per year worldwide

These numbers highlight the importance of finding bugs as early as possible and thoroughly testing an application before it is released.

That is where website application testing comes in.

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5 Steps To Set Up User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Process Flow + Checklist

In the last couple of weeks, we’ve given you a deeper look into the world of user acceptance testing execution in UAT. And over this period, we have received many questions on how a User Acceptance Testing process flow works.

It’s a pretty special topic for us, too, since various people and companies use our bug tracking & testing software, helping them in their User Acceptance Testing efforts.

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How To Find 100+ Free Beta Users for Beta Testing In 2024

Are you ready to take your product from concept to triumph through effective beta testing? The journey from idea to success hinges on the crucial stage of beta testing.

But for startups, the challenge of finding 100 willing beta users can feel like an insurmountable obstacle.

Fear not! Even without a polished final product, there are potent strategies that can ignite excitement and gather a passionate community around your project.

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