26 Screen Capture Tools To Speed Up Web Project Communication

A picture is worth 1000 words. A very familiar quote and it still holds true, especially when it comes to screen capture. Capturing screen images has become a highly popular mode of visual communication in today’s world. New technologies have enriched working with screenshot images to fit the modern multi-location team structure. 

As per studies, 90% of information entering the brain is visual and that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. To save cost and time and improve productivity, a visual communication tool for your teams to understand issues faster is must-have. 

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Example Using Trello and Templates

User Acceptance testing is an important – yet often overlooked – step in every software development project.

The principle of UAT is simple: It allows you to verify if a solution/software/application works for the end user testing it.

Yet its implementation in real-life software development teams and processes is something a lot of companies struggle with.

In this article, we will guide you through a practical user acceptance testing example, illustrated by testing a Trello feature.

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User Screen Recording: Solving Customer Feedback Errors, Circa 2021

I wish I could just send a user screen recording video.

Please delete this sentence from your vocabulary. Because we’ve heard your wish loud and clear, and we’re excited to announce Usersnap is your wholesome user screen recording feedback tool. 

Are you also asking “How do I record a user session?”

You can now see the entire flow of your users’ issues and save time in clarifying the steps of troubleshooting. Plus, your customers also save time in explaining what their screenshot means. Win-win.

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How Google Conducts User Research for Customer Loyalty

Google’s tech alone didn’t build them into a top company. The fact is that user research matters too!

Creatively exploring market preferences is critical for success. Google first gained an initial foothold and held onto it through such evaluations. Such insight, and their acquisition of such continues broadening, then helps informs competitive user engagement strategies. User loyalty is the natural result.

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Save 35% Communication Time on Client Approval with Usersnap Board

Your clients look to you and your agency for functional, appealing websites. As the creative pro committed to customer satisfaction, you and your company must balance that goal while maintaining an efficient communication flow that allows you and your team to do your best work.

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Product Validation: Make Sure You Do These 4 Things Before You Build A Product

The success of a new product depends on many factors.

Is there a market for the product? Is the product solving a major issue? And is your product being accepted by users and customers? In this article, we want to shed some light on the topic of product validation and answer the question: What can you do before you start developing a new product?
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In praise of QA: What is Quality Assurance?

Let’s talk about Quality Assurance: I’m super happy to work with a company that puts a lot of energy into the quality assurance part of every single software development project.

Quality assurance is a discipline that’s overlooked and under-appreciated. We produce software, share it with the team, test it, collect feedback, ask beta testers and then do it over again. Share, test, collect, ask, repeat. Yup, that’s pretty much it.

Yet people treat quality assurance as something superficial – a few tests here, a few user feedback there, and with one big eye staring at the release button.
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7 Common Types of Software Testing

Most developers have no clue about how testing is actually done, and how valuable the understanding of software testing basics can be for developers who really want to excel in their careers.

I owe a large amount of the success I have had in my career as a software developer to my background in testing.


Because I learned it the hard way.

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Beta Testing vs. User Acceptance Testing: When to use which?

Beta testing and User acceptance testing (UAT) are two of the most common types of tests to validate your development before launching your SaaS product or website. 

“Do I need to perform both? What’s the difference?” you may ask. In this article, you’ll read about the different use cases of the two and get guidance on setting up these testing processes and their environments. 

Shall we?

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Jira vs Trello – an Overview on the Best Project Management Tool

Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content in project management.

Especially when looking at the tool side of project management. I see new tools popping up every other day.

With Jira and Trello – we looked at two primary project management tools, their benefits and drawbacks, and most importantly, their main differences.

Since Atlassian, the vendor of Jira acquired Trello, both project management tools come from the same company. But they are still competing over the same target group.

So, if you’re considering switching to Jira or Trello, this article is the right place.

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