Human-centered bug reporting with visual elements

Especially in the last couple of years, the web has become a more visual place. GIFs, memes, emojis, screenshots and other visual elements are widely used on the web today.

Not only used in private conversations, but visual elements are also reshaping other areas, such as bug reporting as well.

In this article, I’m going to focus on the role of humans in bug reporting and answer the question about the role of visual elements in bug reports.
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How to improve your conversion rates with bug tracking

Businesses today have myriad possibilities to improve their conversion rates. It starts with an appealing web designs and includes various inbound marketing activities as well as excellent customer care.

In this article, we explain why you should integrate bug tracking into your workflow in order to increase leads and conversions. So let’s get started!

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Why we have to talk about client-side JavaScript error logging!

Web browsers got some superpowers over the last few years. The increasing speed of the browser engines has pushed browsers from being simple website viewers to a level where they are platforms executing our beloved applications like Gmail and Facebook day in day out.

Of course, this opened up the door for developers to do incredible things. But just like with everything that’s new, chances are high that bugs and issues occur. A lot of times, client-side errors give developers a hard time in reproducing and finding the bugs.

In this blog post, I’m going to show you why client-side JavaScript error logging is easy to implement and that it is just a few clicks away 🙂

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7 most important bug reporting skills every QA agent should have

A while ago, someone asked me: ”Thomas, what skills do I need to have when tracking bugs and joining a QA team?

I was astonished by the question and more importantly, quite disappointed that I wasn’t able to come up with a great answer.

But it made me think. And it pushed me to do some research and to exchange ideas with other people in the bug-reporting world.

And today, I’m happy and ready to answer this question. Here are the most important bug reporting skills you need to have.
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Why a bug report isn’t enough.

OK, I get it. You have an excellent team of developers, designers and project managers. You develop a great piece of software for a client. And you test it. Of course.

That is one awesome application. But then, when the application reaches the client’s end, bugs are popping out everywhere. Boom.

Despite all your best efforts, bug reports are coming in. So what’s the issue here?

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Fundamentals on setting up your bug reporting workflow

With all these emerging new devices – from mobile devices, to wearables, to VR, to smart devices – having a proper bug reporting workflow in place becomes quite a challenge.

Building web applications in particular might seem quite painful due to the different screen sizes of the used devices. It can even be worse than testing native apps for the Android ecosystem.

In this post, I’d like to show you different ways of setting up your bug reporting workflow. Including manual, automated and crowd-sourced workflows.

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The Art Of Taking A Screenshot

You might not consider screenshots as some form of art. Well, we do. We consider ourselves as screenshot lunatics.

We even created our very own visual bug tracking tool revolutionizing the way we report bugs and collect feedback. With screenshots. Pretty cool, huh?

In this post I’m going to show you the ins and outs on how to take a great screenshots. Whether you want to capture a mobile screenshot, or you’re managing screenshots for web projects as a designer or developer.

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How to use Trello for bug tracking & user feedback!

Trello is a great tool for managing all your project-related tasks and staying in sync with colleagues and clients. We at Usersnap are avid fans of Trello. And we even built a Usersnap integration for Trello.

So we thought it would be fun to share some of our best tips on how to collect bug reports & user feedback with Trello and Usersnap.

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When bad bug reports happen to good people

You’ve done everything right. You’ve instructed your testers and QA agents, you’ve set up an easy-to-use bug tracking tool and a testing suite for your project. And then it happens.

Bad bug reports happen to the best of us, and, unfortunately, they can happen often. So, we at Usersnap put our heads together to think of the most common bug reports and ways how to avoid these bad bug reports.

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How emojis are used in bug reports (backed by data)

If you take a look at different web projects or software products, you probably experience bug tracking as the least fun part of every projects. Right? (If not, please let us know in the comments how you get fun out of the bug tracking process)

We think that bug tracking should be fun. And because of this, we believe in the power of emojis making bug reports at least more emotional.

Here’s why people should use emojis in bug reports. And we also have some statistics on the usage of emojis in bug reports.

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