Productivity tips for web developers: How to manage project communication with Slack, and Hipchat!

As mentioned in our last week’s blog post about productivity tips for a better time management, improving the productivity in web development is quite challenging.

A lot of web developers are often wondering about their team communication and how to get them on the next level. On the one hand there are a lot of enterprise solutions for team communication (e.g. Yammer), on the other hand there are consumer-oriented tools such as Whatsapp, Facebook, iMessage. And don’t forget about Emails. All of them compete for being the communication tool for enterprises. We took a closer look and provide you some productivity tips for managing your project communication.

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Productivity tips for web developers for efficient time management

We at Usersnap have a long experience in developing web applications and want to share our thoughts and knowledge how to work more efficiently on web projects/products. Read our best tips about reducing the time spent with each project and getting done more of a project in a shorter period of time.
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Review of the new Firefox browser: the Firefox Developer Edition

For the 10th anniversary of the Firefox browser, Mozilla announced a new Firefox developer edition. This browser version explicitly for developers. We at Usersnap took a closer look at the new browser version. Read what we think about the new Firefox browser and if it keeps up with the Google Chrome dev tools.

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Kanban, It’ll Rock Your Productivity

In modern society we’re always on the lookout for new ways to eliminate waste and improve productivity. In our personal lives, and especially in day-to-day business, productivity improvements are seen as the holy grail, to be strived for and achieved each and every day.

We’re regularly inundated with new tipsideasconceptssoftware and strategies. But which way do we turn? How do we sort the good from the bad? Today I’m going to show you a way that’s as simple as its name is short, one which will help you increase productivity with a minimum of effort — it’s called Kanban.

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A Github Issues tip that will make your life easier and 4 GitHub tricks and facts

Just a few days ago Github announced their new update of Github Issues. You can see the updates with some screenshots from here. Also, please take a look at the new Deployment API if you haven’t already.

Move beyond the simple Issues

Starting at the same day something else were released, not by GitHub, but still connected to Issues. Let me show you, how you can use a chain of tools to make your GitHub Issues even more useful for your team.

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Super Powers for Web Developers

These days being a developer isn’t an easy task. Among all the tasks and challenges you already have to deal with, you need to deal with bugs. And here’s the rub, most of the time bugs, specifically client-side bugs, are submitted by end-users. We see 3 key problems with this:

1: Most Users Are Not Tech Savvy

It’s true and whilst we not say it to them directly, we know it. The user knows something’s wrong, because the website is not working for them, but they don’t know why, how to fix it or how to report it.

Try asking your Grandmother what JavaScript is for example. I’m sure it’d be a short conversation. And some users don’t know what the browser is. So how can they properly describe the problem?

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Designers are from Venus, developers from Mars

Every good web team should have at least one designer and one developer. I think we can all agree this is out of the question. Of course, you will need to have other “titles” to keep everything going, but today we will focus on these two because we think we can help you make them more efficient without hacking their comfort zone.

We know that because we are a team of designers and developers and we are using the same approach. It helps us work better together, be more efficient and have fun at the same time.

What is the problem anyway?

If you are running an agency or a web project team you probably heard conversations like this one:

Designer -Developer talk

I am sure you have similar misunderstandings in your own team. The problem is that the designer is approaching the problem differently compared to the programmer.

For him/her moving a layer 3 pixels left is 11 milliseconds, but for example, this can be 30 min of work for a developer and usually, he/she will use the same words – “move this layer 3 px left, please”. There is no such thing like layer for the programmer.

On one hand, you’ve got the designer’s creativity and thinking about the details and on the other hand is the way how the programmer thinks about a problem and what is his/her approach to finding a solution.

Let’s not go deeper but this is a problem and we know how to easily solve it.

The Solution

I’ll keep telling you how we actually solve issues like that in our team and in our clients’ teams.

Please read carefully because this is how you can solve your communication issues, make your team more efficient and ultimately have 8 man-hours more per week. That’s a whole day!

We are using something called “visual annotated screenshots” in order to help designers and developers to be on the same page.

Instead of “Can you move this (pointing at your monitor) 3 pixels to the left?” how about this?


The designer can show what exactly he/she needs, using the tools that any designer is familiar with.

The developer will get a bug report in the project management system you are using with all the necessary details, plus:

  • browser version
  • operating system
  • screen size

and more data automatically collected to help them work better and to understand what the designer needs exactly.

Additional details

The staging server

Most of the successful web projects are using a server where they can deploy the current snapshots of the projects so developers, designers and the rest of the team, we will not mention in this article, can work together.

Usersnap can be installed on this server with just few lines of code and will bridge the communication gap between programmers and developers. Now they are on the same planet (remember the title).

They live on the “Completed on time”-continent.

Do you have the same problem?

Probably if you are reading this and if you are here, you do. So let’s get started? Oh, if you don’t have a staging server, don’t worry, you can use Usersnap on any server and website.

(Also feel free to forward the instruction to someone who is responsible for setting up things like that)

  1. Sign-up for an account with us by clicking here. It’s free for 15 days and we will not take your credit card now.

  2. Log in and configure your first project: Usersnap_-_Your_sites_-_2014-06-05_15.10.46

  3. Hit Save and use the code that will appear to embed Usersnap to your web project.Usersnap_-_Your_sites_-_2014-06-05_15.14.13

  4. While there, take a look at the right side of your browser – here you can set up where the feedback will be delivered – you can use bug tracking system, project management system, helpdesk software or even your own internal solution


Not convinced yet

Feel free to contact us by writing  It’s always nice to know who we are working for day and night.

How to automate your Web Design Sales

Usersnap is a great tool to help you give your clients the web design of their dreams. But you gotta get those clients first. We ran into Quote Roller at the Pioneers Conference in Vienna last month and we just knew we each had tools to help each other’s customers with their feedback.

We share a growing base of rockstar web designers, graphic designers, SEO saviors and other small creative businesses just looking for fast and easy ways to show off their work and close more deals.

Quote Roller is a business proposal software that allows you to create, send, track and get legally, electronically signed sales quotes in minutes. Instead of simply writing boring, boilerplate content, why not use your proposal as a way to both address your clients’ needs and to show off your work? We say, instead of spending pages writing what you can do, show them!

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So we attended this Web Summit thing in Dublin…

As we were selected for the Alpha Program of the fourth annual edition of the Web Summit (undoubtedly the biggest tech conference in Europe), Florian and I spend our week in Dublin. With the evening activities involving pub crawls, after parties and get-togethers with fellow startuppy people, we definitely had a great time in Ireland. And we also got some important business stuff done.

On Tuesday Advantage Austria had prepared a ‘Pitch Perfect’ seminar for a group of Austrian entrepreneurs. Paul O’Dea (CEO, Select Strategies) warned us right off, that there’s no 1-to-9 plan when it comes to creating a pitch for your company. Using the battle-card canvas, he explained how explaining which problem or pain you’re trying to solve with your product or portfolio for your sweet spot customers, delivering measurable value and beating the competition at the same time, helps you drill down to a paragraph that functions as your larger pitch.

As challenges on the way to a perfect pitch, our group mentioned their struggles with picking the right storyline. And what if the product is very technical? Profiling our sweet spot customer, Paul suggested to filter them by the following ‘characteristics’: Continue Reading “So we attended this Web Summit thing in Dublin…”

Continuous Feedback through Continuous Deployment

When you’re developing a product, you’re constantly surrounded by questions like, “How can I improve my product?”, and consequently, “What’s the next step to take?”. There are 2 ways to answer these questions:

  1. Ask your customers
  2. Decide yourself

Ask your customers

Asking your customers appears like the better solution: You’re building the product for your customers, so they should know what they need. Unfortunately, they don’t. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, once said:

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

Your customers are biased with current solutions for their problems, that’s why you can’t expect true innovation from them.

Decide yourself

It’s your task to innovate, not your customers’. The problem is that you don’t understand your customers’ problems entirely in advance. Your most important task as product developer is to learn to understand your customers better than they understand themselves. Make a hypothesis about what your customers need and then try to prove (or even better: refute) this hypothesis. A hypothesis is always a guess, but you will become better and better at guessing the more you validate.

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