20 top designers to follow on Instagram

When Instagram started out it was a medium for the youngsters to share images and show what a good time they were having.

It has moved beyond its early adopters to a consumer-driven social media platform and now emerged as a professional’s visually driven network.

As a result, a growing number of designers are now taking to this medium to showcase their works.

So whether you’re a designer seeking for inspiration or a person looking to share your work, here is a compilation of the best boards to get inspired.

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How to be a faster programmer: 7 helpful tips for being faster & more successful.

A while ago, I published some ideas on how to become a faster programmer on Quora. Since then, people have left comments and wrote follow-up questions.

I think I have dipped into an interesting topic and decided to collect my tips in a blog post. I hope you’ll find it helpful and it will make your life as a programmer more productive.

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The Best Developers and Designers to follow on Snapchat

Today, the third most used Internet app, Snapchat, has an estimated worth of 15 billion dollars.

Known once-upon-a-time as a social media connectivity tool only for celebs, gossipmongers, fashionistas and selfie-freaks, it has now been discovered by many others as well.

This mobile-only social network is not just great for personal interactions, but is a wonderful tool for businesses both large and small. Its usage has moved beyond just taking selfies. It has evolved into telling stories. And riding the new wave, many developers and designers now use Snapchat on a regular basis.
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How to speed up your WordPress site in 2 hours.

When developing a new website, chances are high that you end up using WordPress. And that’s a great thing.

About 50% of all website are built with WordPress. And when using WordPress you’re on a good way when it comes to your website speed.

However, there might be some WordPress problems, caused by your WordPress template (and other plugins) which are slowing your website down.

Today, I’d like to share the journey we undertook in order to speed up our WordPress site. And the great news is: You can do it too! Pretty much without a lot of coding skills needed.

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Running 3D graphics inside the browser with Three.JS. A first review by Usersnap.

Over the last few years, browsers got some super powers. They evolved from simple viewers for HTML & CSS to platforms executing our beloved web applications.

With developments, such as WebGL or tracking.js, developers can do incredible things inside browsers.

Recently we stumbled upon Three.js. So we decided to do a review on how browsers are moving to a 3D world by making use of new libraries.

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Developing a SaaS product for a global audience #InsideSaaS

More and more SaaS companies are taking off the ground. Building and selling a product to a global audience has never been easier. With great tools and infrastructure around, even small teams can build a global product.

Today’s blog post covers the challenges of developing a global SaaS product and summarizes our lessons learned from going international.

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