
How to set popup triggers and display rules for customer feedback

How to set popup triggers and display rules for customer feedback

To be more efficient in collecting customer feedback, you can use the 5Ws to assess your feedback setup – who, where, when, what, why? And you’ll be happy to realize that Usersnap’s project display rules are the answers for the who, where, and when.

In this article, we’ll show you the targeting options for Usersnap’s feedback widgets and forms. You will learn how to leverage popups and manage feedback buttons on various pages of your website or app. 

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It all starts with the global snippet

You want a lot of feedback but not a lot of work. Usersnap’s platform allows you to create as many feedback projects as you wish while only needing one snippet.

Install just once, and use display rules happily ever after.

The global snippet with your global API key is the only snippet you need for your website and/or app. The 3Ws (who, where, when) of each of your projects, aka the widget, feedback button, or feedback form—however you like to call it—appear according to the display rules.

Installation of global snippet

Utilize display rules to create effective feedback popups

We offer a wide range of settings for you to specify who you want to show the feedback widget, where it should appear, and when it should be triggered. 

It’s a low to no-code experience. You don’t need a developer involved to write a javascript code to control the feedback buttons or popups.

Collect customer feedback via the button or auto-popup

The 4 main ways we offer to initiate the feedback process are:

  1. Feedback button
  2. Auto popup
  3. Feedback form link 
  4. Browser extension

You can customize the feedback button’s text, position on the screen, and URLs it appears on. We will discuss this in the next step, path targeting.

Display rules configuration on Usersnap dashboard

Select activation by auto popup for your feedback form if you want a more interactive approach. How to control the timing, audience and URLs of the popup is very easy. Keep reading! 

As for the other two methods: you can share the feedback form with a link, like a typical online survey, or install Usersnap’s browser extension to take screenshots and screen recordings of any webpage.

Customizing the URL display path

Display path targeting allows you to customize where you want to show the feedback button or popup. When you don’t set any rules here, the default setting is to display on all pages that have the snippet.

The URL path targeting rules available are

  • Is/Is not
  • Contains/Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Matches RegEx

Should be pretty self-explanatory, right? If you want to know more, our help page has a detailed guide on using RegEx for targeting or excluding wildcards and certain patterns. Or there are free tools to test your RegEx.

When managing many different feedback popups on a website or/app, having the global snippet installed and using path-targeting display rules on Usersnap’s dashboard can save you a whole lot of time!

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Display rules path targeting example

Audience targeting for specific customer feedback

Use the audience display rules in conjunction with the URL display paths when you want to limit your widget even further.

For example, product managers of web apps can choose to show feature request forms to only logged in users. Or add specific users’ emails to the project when managing beta testing.

If you are using the feedback form link or browser extension to collect feedback, you should set the audience to nobody.

Display rules audience targeting example

Event-trigger-based customer feedback

This is a highly popular feature because it allows you to ask for feedback in the exact moment of what you want feedback to.

Let’s say you want to get feedback on the new list creation process in your app. But there are no differences in the URL, and you can’t use path targeting. Just create an API log event for the list creation final “finish” button. When the event fires as your customers click on it, the feedback form will also be triggered.

Feedback at the right time, right place can get you the most honest answers. And customers tend to be more willing to respond too.

You may want to write a specific question for the feedback popup to ensure you really capture that in-moment relevancy. 

Usersnap display rules - auto popup - trigger options - API event

Apart from event-triggers, the time-on-page triggers work great with URL path targeting. By firing the feedback popup after customers have spent some time on the page makes it less annoying for the customer experience. 

You can set the amount of seconds you want as the time on page before the feedback form pops up.

Usersnap display rules - auto popup - trigger options - time on page

Display frequency rules

Sometimes you may want to display the widget only once per user. Then simply check that box.

Or you can be more specific about the display frequency and set X times per user.

For NPS, you do want to survey your customers regularly, but there is no need, and absolutely not recommended, to ask the same question every time they log in to your app. Here’s where display frequency rules come in handy.

You can put in the amount of days to show the feedback form again. You can put in different days for the two separate scenarios of submitting a response and dismissing the feedback popup. 

Display rules -  display frequency settings

Making sure display rules don’t clash

Manage multiple customer feedback projects on the same website or/app can feel challenging. 

The projects overview table in the installation page will help you and your team to not lose track of where the feedback buttons and popups are.

Project overview of URL paths

Keep in mind you can only see the projects you have permissions to. By default each project is created to be open to every team member. So when you find yourself blocked for certain projects, it is probably intentional.

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Having fun with display rules on Usersnap

Getting customer feedback is an exhilarating process – you’re getting free consultation for how to improve your product and service! And we want to make sure creating feedback projects with Usersnap’s platform is just as fun.

The global snippet and display rules offer easy configuration of feedback popups. And a streamlined way to manage numerous feedback buttons for different purposes. 

“I never have to worry about starting and ending Usersnap projects. Feedback form configuration, display rules and the global snippet are all very simple and straightforward to manage on the dashboard.“ 

Rachel Kleinsmith, Technical Project Manager at WP Engine

In the future, we will be pushing out more features to make collecting customer feedback flexible and engaging. If you have any ideas, please shoot!

If you ever have any questions, always feel free to reach out to us.

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And if you’re ready to try out a visual bug tracking and feedback solution, Usersnap offers a free trial. Sign up today or book a demo with our feedback specialists.