The 10 most interesting web development questions on Quora

You have a question. Quora might have the answer.

We are always interested in what other professionals are thinking about web development ideas. To get some more insight, we took a look at some of the most interesting web development questions people have asked on Quora.

There are thousands of questions and answers to explore on Quora. Here are 10 to get you started!

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7 outstanding female CTOs you should follow

This article is brought to you by Usersnap, your solution for building great digital projects. Get a 15-day free trial here.

It’s a sad fact that the tech industry is still vastly dominated by men. Currently, women hold only around 25% of all tech jobs. The number is even smaller for management roles. Only 14% of all CTO positions in tech companies belong to women. You’d think with all the innovative products, ideas and technologies launched every day, the tech industry would have figured out gender equality. Well, it hasn’t. As technology keeps advancing into every aspect of our lives, this is something that has to change. It is more important than ever to make women seen and female voices heard.

Today, we want to present you 7 outstanding female CTOs. These women are leading the way for women in tech in 2017 and beyond.

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How to Onboard Your Newly-Hired Developers

There’s nothing worse than feeling you are wasting your time. Imagine putting all your time, energy, and resources into hiring someone and then they quit within a few months. You know those target posters you can put on the wall that say ‘Bang Head Here’? I’ve needed one many times. Hiring and retaining good developers is a cumbersome business. You do it, but sometimes all you can do is shake your head and stare at that poster.

Over the years, I’ve found that hiring developers and bringing them into an agile team requires them being supported by an agile talent acquisition system and excellent onboarding. In fact, new employees who go through a structured onboarding program are 58% more likely to be with the organization after three years. If you want to wrap your head around how important this is just imagine the financial and emotional impact of replacing people in your team every year.

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A guide to building browser notifications

This article is brought to you by Usersnap – a visual feedback & bug tracking tool, used by software companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

As more and more of our beloved apps run solely in the browser, we as users are beginning to rely on browser notifications to get updates on new activities.

In this article, I’m going to provide you with the best practices for developing and designing web push notifications.
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Hiring developers is hard. Here’s what we learned in the last 3 years.

No matter to whom in tech I talk to. Most people and tech companies seem to struggle with hiring developers.

And since I have the feeling that hiring is a topic that doesn’t get too much talk and attention (maybe because of people struggling with it), I think it’s our obligation to share the biggest lessons we’ve learned at Usersnap.
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Customer-Driven Product Development: Taking the Jobs-to-Be-Done Approach

Errors typically happen when things aren’t planned carefully enough, or when entrepreneurs are overwhelmed by the product development process.

With the right mindset and framework at hand, companies can do more than just launch products. They can create solutions to real challenges that users have.
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The benefits of asynchronous design feedback.

Just recently I found myself in a situation which required instant design feedback. I like exchanging thoughts and ideas through real-time conversations, however, I wasn’t prepared for the question: “What do you think about this design draft?

And seconds later, I was providing unthoughtful design feedback.

In this article, I’m going to elaborate on the benefits of asynchronous design feedback, and why you should give it a try as well.
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13 Best Programming Languages to Learn

What programming languages should I learn” is one of the most popular questions these days. It’s complicated. There are so many languages to choose from these days.

Whenever you have too many choices it is harder to actually decide to learn one language. You might know the famous “Jam study” by psycho-economist Sheena Iyengar, who found that shoppers who were confronted with 24 different jams where very unlikely to buy one. (The sweet spot for jams, no pun intended, is a choice of six different jams).

We love options and alternatives, but more choices make it harder to decide. That is true for web development, too. That’s why I want to break it down for you and make it very easy.

It’s still up to you which programming languages to try, but you will have a pretty good overview to start from.


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