Running 3D graphics inside the browser with Three.JS. A first review by Usersnap.

Over the last few years, browsers got some super powers. They evolved from simple viewers for HTML & CSS to platforms executing our beloved web applications.

With developments, such as WebGL or tracking.js, developers can do incredible things inside browsers.

Recently we stumbled upon Three.js. So we decided to do a review on how browsers are moving to a 3D world by making use of new libraries.

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We Are Developers. Are you too? A conference review.

Yes – we are developers. At least we’re pretty techy at Usersnap. And if a developer conference is taking place in your hometown, you know where to find us.

Yesterday I joined the We Are Developer Conference in Vienna, and today I’m going to share the best learnings and insights what the developer scene in Vienna (and Europe) looks like.
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Human-centered bug reporting with visual elements

Especially in the last couple of years, the web has become a more visual place. GIFs, memes, emojis, screenshots and other visual elements are widely used on the web today.

Not only used in private conversations, but visual elements are also reshaping other areas, such as bug reporting as well.

In this article, I’m going to focus on the role of humans in bug reporting and answer the question about the role of visual elements in bug reports.

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New study reveals the state of client collaboration in development & design

We at Usersnap teamed up with Assembla to survey nearly 1.000 agencies, development & design companies throughout the world and across industries. We uncovered how client collaboration in web development has changed over the years, and how it needs to change.

The State of Client Collaboration in Development & Design Survey Report explores the field of client work and how collaboration is evolving.

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7 web design trends for 2025

This article is brought to you by Usersnap, a bug tracker and feedback tool that helps you to communicate visually. Get a 15-day free trial here.

It’s the start of 2025 and web design companies are looking back trying to find out what worked last year and what’s going to be the trend for this year.

So go ahead and read on. We’ve collected some of the best web design trends you must know about in 2025.
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Essential WordPress Plugins For Developers & Designers (Part 2)

A while ago, we talked about unknown WordPress plugins that developers should use when setting up a new WordPress website. Aside from the ones I mentioned, there are, of course, way more great and essential WordPress plugins out there.

Because the first WordPress post received some great response, we thought about a follow-up post on the best WordPress development plugins for developers & designers.

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12 web development trends for 2025

This article is brought to you by Usersnap, a bug tracker and feedback tool that helps you to communicate visually. Get a 15-day free trial here.

We have just entered year 2025 and it’s already a couple of days old. Just before New Year’s Eve, I showed you our take on the year 2015 in web development. Now it’s time to take a look at the new year.

With upcoming frameworks, powerful development tools and evolving technologies, this year looks very promising for web developers.

Here are our thoughts on the top web development trends for 2016.

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