Stop being lazy with ad-hoc feedback.

User feedback and testing probably isn’t a high priority for you when working on your new landing page or web application. But it’s something you should take into consideration before heading in the wrong direction with your newly launched landing page.

Collecting & managing feedback or user complaints on website issues doesn’t always require the use of a large bug tracking or feedback system. For many (especially) small- and medium-sized companies, on-site feedback widgets are sufficient.

So stop being lazy with ad-hoc feedback from colleagues and customers.

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Tracking.js & the computer vision power of JavaScript

There are various frameworks, methodologies, and standards for building websites and web applications. No matter which ones you’re following, you will always somehow end up in the browser and therefore with JavaScript.

With tracking.js, the browser got even more powerful. Here’s our first review of tracking.js and why JavaScript is on the winning team.

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Mobile first: How to approach mobile website testing?

Smartphones seem to have taken over desktop computers in terms of usage. The number of smartphone users has increased tremendously in the last few years and by 2016, there will be more than 2 billion smartphone users. In addition, half of the internet’s usage comes from mobile devices.

This development affects also web design for some years. InVision recently stated in one of their blog posts:

“Responsive Design is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.”

Especially when it comes to testing, mobile website testing still is in its child’s shoes and developers face a hard time getting the best result out of their work.

In this blog post we are going to show how to set up the perfect mobile website testing workflow and how to easily conduct browser tests for mobile.

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The Art Of Taking A Screenshot

You might not consider screenshots as some form of art. Well, we do. We consider ourselves as screenshot lunatics.

We even created our very own visual bug tracking tool revolutionizing the way we report bugs and collect feedback. With screenshots. Pretty cool, huh?

In this post I’m going to show you the ins and outs on how to take a great screenshots. Whether you want to capture a mobile screenshot, or you’re managing screenshots for web projects as a designer or developer.

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12 Greatest Firefox Add-ons For Developers & Designers

With the latest Firefox browser update – Firefox Quantum – Mozilla made a leap forward in the browser game. The new Firefox browser is not only super-speedy and sleek. It caused an uproar as the new version only supports Firefox add-ons using the WebExtensions API.

We researched, reviewed, and hand-picked 12 of the best Firefox add-ons for developers.

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5 essential tips for improving your website mockups & prototypes!

Have you ever received feedback on new website mockups or prototypes starting with “Which language is that? I don’t understand “lorem ipsum!!”?

Well, yes? Then you’ve been there. And it isn’t really a great feeling. Not because of the question itself.

In this post we are going to show you 5 tips on how to prevent yourself from receiving such feedback and how to make your website mockups even better.

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Why Microsoft’s new browser still has some rough edges. A first review on Edge for developers.

This is a review on Microsoft’s new browser Edge and what every developer should know about developing with Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft officially released Windows 10 today making a huge step forward. With its all new browser, called Edge, Microsoft is trying to catch up with Chrome and Firefox.

We’ve downloaded Windows 10 and took a look on how Microsoft Edge may influence the daily work of developers. Here’s our first impression of Edge.

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14 powerful JIRA integrations to optimize your web development workflow

I love writing about productivity tips and how developers get more out of their workflows. This time it’s about JIRA – basically the industry standard of issue tracking.

JIRA comes with a rich ecosystem of AddOns and apps that offer a JIRA integration.

Since you can find a lot of software for the web today, I have compiled the best and easiest JIRA hacks to optimize your web development.

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23 amazing lessons learned from interviewing the world’s top developers

Three months ago – on Thursday, April 16th – we launched as a new platform showing the life of people in web development.

I expected it to be super fun. And of course, I expected it to be successful. After all, we showcased the life of famous, successful or extraordinary tech people, like CTOs, developers, web designers or product people.

But I didn’t expect it to have such an impact on me personally.

Today, I’m sharing the top takeaways for me and for us as a company. Yours might be different, which is why I encourage you reading all of the interviews in their entirety.

I hope they’re as valuable for you as they’ve been for us.

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Power up your customer support with Freshdesk & Usersnap!

Freshdesk is a simple and easy-to-use customer support software used by some well-known companies such as Sony, Cisco and many others. More and more customers are approaching us on how to get more out Usersnap by integrating it with Freshdesk.

So, I’d like to show you how to boost your customer support by integrating Freshdesk with Usersnap.

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