How to improve loading times of your website

Developing a great website requires a lot of work. Besides the development process itself, there are a lot of things to consider. Think about SEO, content, optimizing every single page with a clear call-to-action, and so on.

We’ve built dozens of websites ourselves. Usersnap actually evolved from our work in building websites & web applications for clients.

The website performance, or more specifically the loading times of your website or web app are essential in order to provide a great user experience. Let’s take a look at some things you can do to make your website faster.

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The most annoying issues that will kill your website performance

The performance of websites has always been critical. A well-performing website improves the user experience a lot. This translates into your audience coming back, staying longer and converting a whole lot better. A better performing site usually also appears higher in the search results because the indexer is having less problems with it. Also, mobile and smart devices have become so significant today that a website cannot afford to work at snail’s pace and without the proper optimizations.

We – as a bug tracking tool – have seen many issues on websites which not only killed the website performance, but also lead to unhappy users and customers.

Here are the most annoying issues which kill website performance and make users unhappy.

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How to live up to the “Release early, release often” paradigm

You probably know the common phrase “release early, release often”. When it comes to developing software, people won’t stop recalling that sentence. Since we think that the phrase is quite generic, I’d like to show you how we interpret that programming paradigm and why handling features requests from customers plays an important role.

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8 reasons why you need SEO skills in your SaaS business

As a founder of a SaaS startup, you probably think a lot about how to spread the word via SEO about your newly founded company and how to generate first leads and sales. In this article, I’m presenting you 8 reasons why you’ll definitely need someone in your team who’s bringing your SaaS SEO efforts to the next level.

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How to set up a bug-free development environment

(or: How we work at Usersnap)

We – as a company providing a visual bug tracking tool which makes life for developers and everyone involved in web projects a lot easier – put a lot of thoughts into the field of bug-free development environments.

In this post I’m going to show you how we have set up our own development environment.

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15 inspirational podcasts for everyone working in web development

Since there are many resources out there for getting started in web development, having some truly inspiring web development podcasts in your bookmarks is a great way to learn.

It’s the most portable way to consume content and to learn something new in web development. In this post, we’ve collected a list of the most informative and inspiring web development podcasts you can listen to which will help you getting started in web development.

Let’s take a look.

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6 mistakes to avoid when collecting design feedback

There are several lists on web design mistakes out there. Most of them focus on the web design itself but forget about other components such as how a good design becomes a great design through the right way of collecting and analyzing customer feedback.

There’s always a feedback stage in the web design process which requires intensive interaction between co-workers, as well as external clients. And as in every intense interaction there’s plenty of room for improvement.

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What no one tells you about working in web development

Web development is probably one of the most interesting industries to be in right now. Whether you’re thinking about the Silicon Valley, the startup scenes or any new 1 billion dollar idea. It’s most likely that it has something to do with web development or at least with software in a more general sense.

Web development left the niche of geeks and nerds a while ago and many people – especially younger generations – are thinking about getting into web development.

Well, yes. That’s absolutely a great idea. Do it.

However, there are a couple of things you need to know when starting in web development.

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Integrate your chat tool with your project management software [productivity tips for web developers]

This article was brought to you by Usersnap – a visual bug tracking and user feedback solution for every web project.

Recently we’ve presented our favorite chat tools and the basics of project communication.

This time we’d like to take the next step and show you how to get more out of your team communication. Simply by integrating your favorite chat messenger with your project management software.

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Get the process right with requirements engineering!

As we presented you some awesome chat tools (Slack, Hipchat and Hall) in our last blog post, we want to focus on the web development process itself. You probably heard and read a lot about all kind of different processes and how to do it right. We can’t show you the “perfect web development process”, because from our experience there is no right process. But we’d like to acquaint you with the concept of requirements engineering.
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