How to Create Epics in Jira

Wondering how to master Jira’s vast capabilities for strategic project/product success?

Epics are the key to transforming tasks into visions for pivotal objectives.

In Agile project management, an agile epic is a significant body of work that can be divided into smaller tasks or user stories, helping maintain organizational clarity and support project goals while allowing flexibility in execution.

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Jira Issue Types: Hierarchy & Examples

In the early days of personal computing, my generation used to spend a lot of time organizing our digital desktops.

Some undertook this endeavor to maintain a sense of order, while others were driven by the irresistible urge to satisfy their OCDs and appease their inner perfectionist. 

Regardless of the motivation, the practice of tidying up our virtual workspace mirrored the innate human desire for structure and clarity in our surroundings.

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Product Roadmap Presentation: 6 Examples Included Templates

Simon Sinek’s rise to fame is marked by his unwavering determination to challenge conventional thinking.

He consistently questions corporate practices and fearlessly presents bold opinions that disrupt the status quo.

In his book “Start with Why”, Simon Sinek boldly claims that the ‘Why’ behind your actions matters more than the ‘What’. This principle isn’t limited to leadership or personal motivation; it extends to every facet of the business, including product roadmaps.

Product roadmaps transcend mere slides or visuals; they serve as the linchpin for strategically aligning internal teams and external stakeholders with the product vision and strategy.

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What is the CIRCLES method? Examples and Alternatives from Senior PM

Imagine stepping into the world of product management with a product vision, secret formula and one particular feature that the industry’s luminaries use to transform raw ideas into gold consistently.

That formula exists, and it’s called the CIRCLES method.

Ready to see your ideas soar? Let’s unravel the magic of CIRCLES together.

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Product Management Process: The 8-Stage Guide to Smash Your Goals in 2024

Building a powerful SaaS product takes way more than just an idea. Without a systematic approach to your product management process and a clear roadmap, you’ll likely face several hurdles, such as lack of direction, unclear priorities, wasted resources, missed deadlines, difficulty in scaling, and more.

Just think about it – how will you know what initiatives or requests to prioritize? Or how will you be able to build a product roadmap that gets you executive buy-in? 

Having an impactful process in place is a must.

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What is Customer Effort Score (CES)? How to Use It & 12 Questions

Customers want good products and services, of course, but do you know what else they want?

They want effortless interactions with companies. How about a website that is simple to navigate, and a seamless checkout process? Bingo!

They also want it to be quick and painless to resolve any issues they may have with your company. Recognizing and improving upon this customer feedback is where a CES survey comes in hand!

Research shows that when your company makes things easier on your customers and delivers on the promises, it drives more customer loyalty than the companies that focus more on improving the overall experience. It has become pretty common to have a good overall experience, so it’s those companies that truly make dealing with them easy and painless that enjoy more loyal customers.

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How Using ChatGPT for Product Management is a Valuable Time-Saver

Product managers have a lot of ground to cover. From staying on top of market trends, user needs, customer feedback, and industry insights to managing their resources, and planning what’s ahead for their product. It’d be nice if there were a helping hand sometimes that could take over the more tedious and repetitive tasks. What if we could harness the power of AI, or ChatGPT for product management?

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Qualitative Feedback: What is, How to Collect & Analyze It?

Qualitative feedback is essential when you’re building and maintaining an app that 1000s of users rely on. It’s the difference between having a functional & useful page, vs. buttons & features that are not working. No matter what you’re working on, or which industry you’re in, it’s important to understand the needs of your users, teams, and colleagues.

Not only does this make your life easier, but it’s also an indispensable way to increase efficiency, improve user satisfaction, and prioritize your goals.

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