6 Ways to Collect Product Feedback from Web Customers

You’ve just launched your new product or you just finished building a new website, and now you wonder what your customers think about those changes. You need product feedback, but can’t get it yet. We know the struggle.

Also, can customer feedback really provide insights to help your company propel itself into product-led growth?

Let’s see 6 ways you can approach this challenge.

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SaaS growth in 2025: Why tracking competitive advantage will NOT yield marketing leadership

Competitive analysis of current market offerings absolutely helps your SaaS company. However it isn’t the only thing, and perhaps a quite overrated approach to achieving SaaS growth. Not only is tracking the competition daunting, it doesn’t ensure the product chiseled and shaped will be used by YOUR user base. 

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Product Led Growth: A Definition and Why It’s Taking Off in 2025 🚀

If you feel you have been missing the mark with your customers lately, you might need a switch-up in your business model.

But how do you choose between all of the business strategies out there? What is the best tactic to use in today’s fast-paced market?

Product-led growth (PLG) is a model that is user-centric and user-focused. Customer acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are product-driven instead of sales-driven. This method is quickly becoming one of the most popular business models for many companies. 

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Churn In SaaS And The Best Way To Reduce It

This article will show you how to reduce your SaaS churn by following the proven strategy that we have already successfully implemented. So grab your salted caramel iced mocha, and let’s make you the churn hero of the company.

For us, it all started in 2020, when our monthly SaaS churn rate was 6.22%, more than double our target benchmark (high pressure, you bet). We wanted to become a product-led growth SaaS company, which means user value is consistent. We sat down with the team for preventing customer churn and were able to combine churn analytics with customer feedback to reduce it down to 4.26%. And when we thought we are on the path to success, the COVID-19 pandemic put a halt to our progress.

A few months later… June 30, 2021, our SaaS churn rate was back at 6.12%. The aimed benchmark was 3%. “Tension” is in the air.

Try Usersnap for Creating a Customer Churn Survey

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SaaS Product Management: The Central Nervous System to Digital Companies in 2025

Every SaaS company, whether B2B or not, looks to get more intimately connected with their customers’ needs and pains to grow. Which one wouldn’t? Some employ product-led growth In order to understand customer needs, get more customer feedback, and use it actionably. Without question, the rise and importance of SaaS product management within digital companies are “mooning” 🚀. What do I mean by this? 

SaaS product management is undoubtedly the engine that helps digital enterprises grow. According to one study, a great product manager can be responsible for up to a ~34% increase in profits. And in the age of Product-Led Growth (PLG), a term coined by now-pioneer Wes Bush, product management and customer-led product development are the lynchpin to SaaS business success.

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