7 Different Types of Software Testing

Most developers have no clue about how testing is actually done, and how valuable the understanding of software testing basics can be for developers who really want to excel in their careers.

I owe a large amount of the success I have had in my career as a software developer to my background in testing.


Because I learned it the hard way.

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A Survival Guide to Test Driven Development and Unit Testing

I have a love/hate relationship with test driven development and unit testing.

I’ve been both an ardent supporter of these “best practices,” but I’ve also been more than skeptical of their use.

One of the big problems in software development is when developers—or sometimes managers—who mean well apply “best practices” simply because they are best practices and don’t understand their reason or actual use.

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All You Need To Know About Software Development Methodologies

The following is an excerpt from The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide by John Sonmez. To get the entire book delivered to your inbox, go here.

Are you ready to put on your boxing gloves and enter the ring?

Are you ready to be confused?

Are you ready to endlessly debate semantics? To hire expensive consultants to tell you what you are doing wrong and coach your team to higher levels by getting everyone “certified?”

Well, welcome to the world of software development methodologies.

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