Product Led Growth: A Definition and Why It’s Taking Off in 2025 🚀

If you feel you have been missing the mark with your customers lately, you might need a switch-up in your business model.

But how do you choose between all of the business strategies out there? What is the best tactic to use in today’s fast-paced market?

Product-led growth (PLG) is a model that is user-centric and user-focused. Customer acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are product-driven instead of sales-driven. This method is quickly becoming one of the most popular business models for many companies. 

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How to use a Product-Market Fit template to know how much customers need you!

Think of product-market fit (PMF) as sailing: the product is the sail and demand is the wind. For the boat to work or to make your dreams come true, you need to build a sail (product) and find the wind to power it (or satisfy the needs of the market, and its potential customers). If you are a good sailor, you can always feel when the product-market fit is or isn’t happening. The best way to sail the SaaSy seas is to have a product-market fit template on your side.

Imagine the following scenario:

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