What is Customer Effort Score (CES)? How to Use It & 12 Questions

Customers want good products and services, of course, but do you know what else they want?

They want effortless interactions with companies. How about a website that is simple to navigate, and a seamless checkout process? Bingo!

They also want it to be quick and painless to resolve any issues they may have with your company. Recognizing and improving upon this customer feedback is where a CES survey comes in hand!

Research shows that when your company makes things easier on your customers and delivers on the promises, it drives more customer loyalty than the companies that focus more on improving the overall experience. It has become pretty common to have a good overall experience, so it’s those companies that truly make dealing with them easy and painless that enjoy more loyal customers.

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SaaS growth in 2025: Why tracking competitive advantage will NOT yield marketing leadership

Competitive analysis of current market offerings absolutely helps your SaaS company. However it isn’t the only thing, and perhaps a quite overrated approach to achieving SaaS growth. Not only is tracking the competition daunting, it doesn’t ensure the product chiseled and shaped will be used by YOUR user base. 

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