
How Usersnap helps a Software Architect in his development process

Adrian Smith is a self-employed software architecture and performance consultant currently working on a platform for HR departments that implements quite a few special features. Adrian decided to use Usersnap for this project, to gather specific feedback from his client during the development process.

“We’re using Usersnap on our dev server as the site isn’t live yet. It helps my client to point out and describe what he’d like to see improved. I like this way of receiving feedback. He can highlight areas of the screen etc., i.e. he can really visually say what’s wrong. Which is of course way better than writing an email following the storyline ‘on the third navigation point, the second area, the 3rd word is in a strange position’!”

Adrian’s core usage is within his development team. Screenshots get delivered to his inbox, where he processes them and divides them into tasks in his project management tool, Liquid Planner.

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Firstbird: a promising HR platform

FirstbirdArnim Wahls is the Founder and CEO of Firstbird, the product Adrian is working on, allowing companies to leverage their employees to recruit new talent. Arnim intends to keep using Usersnap in production:

“We’ll definitely ask our beta testers to use the feedback button, and also gather feedback from external test panels. Most users have no idea about coding and don’t speak tech. I’m more comfortable with sending a screenshot with a note attached!”

Want to try out Usersnap for your service? Sign up for our 15-days free trial and start collecting qualitative user feedback today!

Do you have an interesting use case for Usersnap? Please share it in the comments!

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Microsurveys by Usersnap

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