Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a customer satisfaction metric that measures the ease with which customers can accomplish a specific task or goal when interacting with a company, product, or service.

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What is a Good CES Score, and How to Measure It?

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a valuable metric for gauging customer satisfaction by assessing the ease of their interactions with your business. A good CES score typically falls in the lower range of the scale, indicating minimal effort required on the customer's part to accomplish their objectives. Here's how to measure it:

Surveying Customers

Implement a CES survey that asks a straightforward question, such as "On a scale of 1 to 7, how easy was it to resolve your issue today?" Usersnap's robust survey tools can simplify this process.

CES Scale

CES surveys often use a 5-point or 7-point scale, with higher numbers indicating more effort required. A CES score is calculated by averaging the responses.


Analyze CES scores by segmenting your customers based on different factors like demographics, products used, or customer journey stages.

Feedback Analysis

Alongside numeric scores, collect qualitative feedback to understand why customers rated their experiences in a certain way.


Compare your CES scores to industry benchmarks to gain perspective on your performance.

Using Usersnap for CES surveys streamlines the process by providing customizable templates and intuitive survey creation tools.

This enables you to collect and analyze customer effort data effortlessly.

Common Ways to Improve Customer Effort Score

A lower CES score signifies a smoother customer experience. Here are common strategies to enhance your CES:

Simplify Processes: Streamline and simplify customer interactions, from purchasing to problem resolution, to reduce customer effort.

Self-Service Options: Offer self-service resources like FAQs, knowledge bases, and tutorials to empower customers to find solutions independently.

Efficient Support: Train your customer support teams to handle inquiries and provide quick resolutions efficiently.

Proactive Communication: Keep customers informed about order status, service updates, and expected delivery times.

User-Friendly Design: Ensure your website and applications have an intuitive and user-friendly design.

Feedback Integration: Act on customer feedback by addressing pain points and making improvements based on their suggestions.

Personalization: Tailor recommendations and content to individual preferences to reduce search and decision-making effort.

6 Tips for Building CES Surveys using Usersnap

Usersnap simplifies the process of creating and deploying CES surveys to collect valuable customer insights:

1. Customizable Templates

Usersnap offers customizable survey templates designed specifically for CES, saving you time and effort in survey design.

2. Multi-Channel Deployment

Reach customers through multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, and email, to gather feedback at various touchpoints.

3. Real-time Data

Usersnap provides real-time data collection and reporting, allowing you to monitor CES scores as they come in and respond promptly to customer issues.

4. Integration Capabilities

Seamlessly integrate Usersnap with your CRM, helpdesk, or analytics tools to consolidate customer effort data with other customer data points for comprehensive insights.

5. Automated Follow-up

Automatically trigger follow-up actions based on CES survey responses to resolve issues and improve satisfaction.

6. User-Friendly Interface

Usersnap's user-friendly interface ensures that creating, deploying, and analyzing CES surveys is straightforward and efficient.

Incorporating Usersnap into your CES measurement strategy simplifies the process, making it easier to gather and act on customer feedback, resulting in improved customer experiences and higher satisfaction levels. 

By minimizing customer effort, you'll not only enhance loyalty but also drive business growth through positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

In conclusion, Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing customer satisfaction by measuring the ease of their interactions with your business.

A lower CES score indicates a smoother customer experience. 

By using Usersnap for CES surveys, you can streamline the process of collecting and analyzing customer effort data, enabling you to make informed decisions and take actions to improve customer experiences.

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