Product feedback features

From reporting issues to triaging suggestions all in one

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User feedback platform features
CISCO getting product feedback with UsersnapMICROSOFT getting product feedback with UsersnapDynatrace getting product feedback with UsersnapPocketPrep getting product feedback with UsersnapAIRBUS getting product feedback with UsersnapLYFT getting product feedback with Usersnap

Screen capture is the best communication

See exactly what went wrong and resolve issues for users faster.

Capture UX issues with videos

Launch the screen and audio recorder from the feedback widget to capture the website experience.

Screenshots with annotations

Snap screenshots and use the annotation tool bar to indicate or comment on the problem.

Browser extension

Send feedback from any website. Take screen captures of customer service conversations or sales emails.

Context enrichment fully automated

Ready for troubleshoot with technical information available.

User environment metadata

URL, browser and device data, OS, etc. collected. Website and application data can be passed through automatically.

Console error logs

Logs of Javascript errors are captured so that non-technical users can report issues without friction.

User attributes

Sync any custom attributes that can help you identify users and scenarios better to enrich the feedback context.

Ideas management for continuous improvement

Group and identify trends of issues, ideas, user expectations, and opportunities.

Feedback button & menu

Allow users to navigate to the right feedback form. Encourage ideas submissions and promote beta programs.

Customer request portal

Collect upvotes on feature requests with the public feedback board. Follow-up with customers to get more insights.

Kanban and list views

Create your own kanban columns to track statuses. Work faster through feedback with the split screen list view.

Triage tickets and plan roadmap

Project dashboard features to act on feedback.

Clear overview of each feedback

See the visual feedback, bug report fields, and added assignee, labels, priority all in one view.

Quality insights

View tech metadata, user attributes, and console logs to quickly understand the situation and find a solution.

Categorize with labels

Use labels to categorize feedback into topics or sprints. Enable AI smart labels to automate the process.

Assign, prioritize, collaborate

Resolve feedback with actions. Comment and tag teammates or follow-up with customers in the thread.

Share the ticket tracking board

Allow stakeholders to view the progress of the feedback items they have sent, or a public view of the project.

Ship & build faster with contextual user feedback

Start collecting

Get feedback and run surveys within minutes.
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Design feedback flows with our experts.
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Additional features


Place the global snippet to your HTML code just once to start your feedback adventure. Or use our Wordpress plugin.

Projects and notifications

Each feedback project has its own notification setting for you to focus on the most relevant info.

Pause/live control

Launch or pause your projects from the dashboard. Use the preview mode to test before going live.


Browse and work through the feedback in one clear view.


Apply your brand’s colors and text fonts. Our public REST API allows you to style the feedback widget however you wish.

Browser extension

The Chrome and Firefox browser extensions allow you to capture and send feedback or ideas on any web page.

Cloud-based hosting

Usersnap is cloud-based so you don't have to worry about installation & maintenance. ISO 27001 and SOC-2 certified hosting centers.

Security (GDPR, CCPA)

We value data safety and fulfill a variety of security measurements. 256-bit SSL protected, 100% GDPR compliant.

Data export

All data of your projects and tickets can be downloaded. You are the magician of the show.

Language support

Our feedback collectors support multiple languages for you to speak in your users’ most familiar tongue.


If you have an enterprise solution we don’t support, you can still connect Usersnap to your software using Webhooks.

REST API access

Configure data collection, widget triggers, and data export to fit your unique needs and infrastructure.

Precise user feedback to deliver value fast

Start collecting

Capturing actionable visual feedback now.
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Let’s talk

Design feedback flows with our experts.
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Canva and Usersnap
Joscha Feth,
Lead Engineer
Usersnap allows us to get feedback more often and more precise ever since we adopted it. This really helps us to iterate faster on our design community's needs.
View success story
Tech and product manager testimonial
Andre Lefort,
VP of Technology
We use Usersnap for all our projects and it has changed our entire QA process, with auto-captured user information to help us solve issues faster.
View success story
Digital product team use case with Usersnap
Tony Stillwell,
Product Director
Listening to our customers has been a priority for us out of the gate. Usersnap has made that priority much easier to maintain.
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Start-up and scale-up use cases with Usersnap
Annie Ng,
Growth Lead
Usersnap gives us insights on our users’ pain points, top requests, and use cases. It helps us to prioritize new features and improve product design.
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Erste Bank and Usersnap
Gosia Pryc,
Product Manager
How to bring value to the end users is what our teams thrive for. And Usersnap helps us get the feedback and evidence we need to keep moving.
View success story

Build the right features in the right way

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Capture with browser extension
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