
Website design and development feedback workflow case study – Executionists web agency

How to collect and resolve website design and development feedback quickly is challenge for every web agency. And even for Executionists, a top agency for e-commerce and software solutions, have QA efficiency problems.

How the original website design and development feedback process looked like

Executionists (now Kensium) is a digital agency focusing on website development, primarily Drupal and WordPress, as well as digital marketing and SEO, branding, identity, and design.

They are excellent in building websites and creating digital marketing strategies. And they want to focus their time on that, but instead, a lot of their time and efforts go to the feedback meetings and user acceptance tests.

The feedback process was to manually create screenshots and make edits with annotations on another application. Or even worse, waiting on print-outs from their clients that were scribbled on and faxed to them. It was simply taking up way too much time and slowing the creative process down.

How Usersnap helped with collecting website design and development feedback

Usersnap solved the issue of being able to quickly capture the parameters that were involved when the website issue was logged. As their Lead Project Manager and VP of Operations said:

“It has greatly facilitated our testing process. I love how it automatically captures the user’s URL, screen resolution, OS, and browser data.”

‍The team now uses and assigns one Usersnap project to each of their projects, as well as utilizing a miscellaneous bucket for small one-off projects or small intermittent client projects mainly using the bucket tool. But Usersnap also allows the Executionists to incorporate the API key directly into the websites using the WordPress plugin or the Drupal module.

Now, Executionists can capture an issue in literally seconds and still involve both their dev team and the client. Automatically sending it directly to the QA list in the product, inside of their project management tool. They can involve the clients in the process as well. The functionality of Usersnap has therefore totally streamlined the Executionists QA process.

With Usersnap’s extensive integration capabilities, the team at Executionists is able to directly integrate the testing system into their project management tool Basecamp. They have also tested it with Jira and Trello with great results. Usersnap instantly includes a screenshot image and data into the ticket for each project in the project management system.

“Instead of waiting days to get the necessary information to recreate and resolve bugs, we can now instantly capture the specifications and solve any issues that come up within our projects.”

Rachel Panush, VP of Operations, Executionists\

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Discover the best website feedback software

Give Usersnap a try for your website design and development feedback

A streamlined QA process with the onsite visual feedback widgets and an easy task-tracking dashboard has facilitated the team and clients to move faster in every projects.

Rachel said Usersnap is one of the tools she can not live without in her work life.

Are you also from an agency looking to improve your feedback management? Try Usersnap for free today. No credit card needed.

Resolve issues faster with visual bug reporting.

Visual bug tracking by Usersnap

Simplify and reduce issue & bug reporting efforts with screen recordings, screenshots, and annotations.

And if you’re ready to try out a visual bug tracking and feedback solution, Usersnap offers a free trial. Sign up today or book a demo with our feedback specialists.