Customer Feedback & Experience

How to Create Google Forms Conditional Questions (and When to Use Alternatives)

PMs, have you ever struggled with creating complex surveys for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) or product discovery using Google Forms?

While its simplicity and integration with Google Workspace are convenient, its limitations in handling sophisticated conditional logic can hinder effective feedback management, especially when dealing with a complicated form.

For instance, applying conditional logic to specific questions based on user responses is challenging, making it difficult to add conditional logic and create dynamic and relevant surveys.

Then the question is – How do you manage to gather detailed insights and streamline feedback processes in such scenarios?

For example, Sarah, a product manager at a SaaS company, needs feedback on a new task automation feature from different user segments: project managers, developers, and end-users.

Google Forms allows basic surveys but struggles with dynamic conditional questions. The limitations of Google Forms logic make it difficult to handle intricate display conditions and section splits.

Sarah wants project managers to answer questions on project planning, developers on technical integration, and end-users on usability. Google Forms’ limitations result in irrelevant questions for some respondents, lowering engagement and data quality.

Try Usersnap for Conditional Questions Forms

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For example, I wanted to get a feedback on the new NPS survey from different user segments: end-users, fellow product managers, program managers, and developers. Earlier, I used to share a Google Form which offers basic surveys but it’s quite complicated to create dynamic conditional questions.

I wanted developers to share the details regarding technical integration, program managers to share the project details, and end-users on the usability of the survey.

Usersnap offers a robust alternative to Google Forms with advanced functionalities for complex surveys with razor sharp focus on feedback collection & seamless integration across various tools.

It enables intricate conditional logic, allowing Sarah to tailor questions for each user segment. This leads to higher engagement and more relevant feedback.

This article guides you through creating conditional questions in Google Forms and introduces Usersnap’s enhanced capabilities, helping you choose the best tool for your needs.

Easy How-to Guide for Conditional Questions

How to do that in Google Forms

1. Navigate to the “Settings” tab in your Google Form:

  • Open your Google Forms.
  • Click on the gear icon to access the settings.
  • This area is crucial as it lays the foundation for setting up your form to handle different types of responses effectively.

2. Enable “Go to section based on answer”:

  • In the settings menu, find the “Presentation” section.
  • Check the box labeled “Show progress bar.”
  • Enabling this option is essential because it allows respondents to see their progress, which can enhance completion rates.

3. Add sections and set up branching logic:

  • Divide your form into multiple sections based on the type of responses you expect.
  • For each question where you want to create conditional logic, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner and select “Go to section based on answer.”
  • Choose the appropriate section to direct respondents based on their answers using the drop-down menu.
  • Setting up branching logic helps ensure that the respondents only answer relevant questions, thereby improving the quality of the collected data.
  • To apply conditional logic, follow these steps to guide respondents to different sections based on their answers, ensuring a streamlined and relevant form experience.

For instance, I have created a short feedback form to know more about WhatsApp Video calling feature.

How to create Conditional Questions in Usersnap

Here are the detailed steps to set up conditional questions in Usersnap:

  1. Create or Edit a Widget:
    • Log in to your Usersnap dashboard.
    • Navigate to the project where you want to add the widget.
    • Click on “Widgets” and either create a new widget or edit an existing one.
  2. Add a Rating Field:
    • Add a rating field such as NPS, thumbs, smileys, or stars in the widget editor.
    • Customize the rating field as needed (e.g., labels, colors).
  3. Enable Conditional Questions:
    • After adding the rating field, look for the option to add a follow-up question.
    • Define the follow-up question based on the rating given by the user. For example:
      • If the user gives a thumbs up, you might ask, “What did you like the most?
      • If the user gives a thumbs down, you might ask, “What can we improve?
  4. Set Follow-Up Question Requirements:
    • Choose whether the follow-up question is required or optional.
    • You can easily switch between the two options based on your needs.
  5. Preview and Test:
    • Use the “Preview” option to see how the widget looks and behaves in a demo environment.
    • Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the conditional questions work as intended.
  6. Save and Deploy:
    • Once you are satisfied with the setup, save the widget.
    • Deploy the widget to your website or application.

Try Usersnap for Conditional Questions Forms

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Refer to the Usersnap documentation on widget conditional behavior for more detailed guidance.

Benefits of Using Conditional Questions

Enhanced User Experience / UX

Creating a tailored survey experience is essential for maximizing respondent engagement and obtaining high-quality data. Using conditional logic questions can significantly enhance this personalized experience by customizing the flow of questions based on previous answers, making the survey more relevant and concise for respondents.

When respondents are only presented with relevant questions, their willingness to complete the survey increases significantly.

This personalized approach not only enhances respondent satisfaction but also leads to more thoughtful and honest responses. By reducing respondent fatigue through the omission of irrelevant questions, the risk of survey abandonment is minimized, thereby improving the overall completion rate.

This is especially important in longer surveys, where maintaining the quality of responses throughout the survey is crucial.

For instance, I recently conducted a survey to gather feedback on a new onboarding feature for our fintech platform. By using conditional questions, I ensured that new users received questions about the initial sign-up experience, while existing users were asked about their ongoing engagement with the platform and any difficulties they faced during the KYC process.

This tailored approach made the survey more relevant and engaging for each respondent, increasing the likelihood of obtaining valuable insights from both user groups.

For example, new users were asked, “How clear and straightforward was the initial sign-up process?” while existing users received questions like, “Did you encounter any challenges during the KYC verification?

Improved Data Quality

Targeted questions based on respondent answers lead to more precise and relevant data, enhancing the overall quality of the information collected. Accurate data is critical for making informed decisions in various areas, such as product development, customer satisfaction, and strategic planning.

By streamlining the survey experience, respondents are more likely to complete the entire survey, which reduces dropout rates and ensures a higher volume of responses. Lower dropout rates result in a more comprehensive dataset, providing a more accurate representation of the target audience and their needs.

For example, new users’ feedback on the initial sign-up process helps me prioritize improvements in the user interface design, while existing users’ insights on KYC challenges inform adjustments in the verification process.

This enables me to make informed decisions on enhancing the onboarding experience, prioritizing key features, and addressing user concerns. Ultimately, high-quality data from well-structured surveys leads to better product development and increased customer satisfaction. This approach helps me pinpoint areas for refinement, such as simplifying the sign-up process for new users or enhancing KYC support for existing users.

Setting Up Conditional Logic in Questionnaires

Google Forms

  1. Use the “Go to section based on answer” feature:
  • This feature allows you to create different paths for respondents based on their answers to specific questions.
  • Such paths are essential for guiding respondents through a logical flow of questions, enhancing their survey-taking experience. Using a conditional question can further personalize the survey by showing or hiding specific questions based on user responses, thereby improving response rates.
  1. Create multiple sections and direct respondents accordingly:
  • Set up sections within your form to group-related questions. Use conditional logic to direct respondents to the relevant sections.
  • Organizing questions into sections can help in managing the survey better and making it less overwhelming for respondents.


  1. Customize feedback flows to guide users through relevant questions:
    • Usersnap’s advanced logic settings allow for intricate feedback flows, ensuring users receive pertinent questions based on their previous inputs.
    • This customization level can help obtain specific feedback on different aspects of your product or service.
  2. Set conditions based on previous answers to display appropriate questions:
    • With Usersnap, you can set detailed conditions to display or skip questions, tailoring the survey experience to each respondent.
    • Tailoring questions based on previous answers can lead to more detailed and helpful feedback, enhancing the overall quality of the survey data.

Try Usersnap for Conditional Questions Forms

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Examples of Conditional Questions in Surveys

Conditional survey questions allow for more targeted and relevant feedback by adapting the survey flow based on respondents’ answers.

Creating these conditional questions in Usersnap can be done in just a few clicks. This technique is especially useful in various types of feedback surveys to delve deeper into specific areas of interest and gather more detailed insights.

Here are some examples of how conditional questions, including those based on multiple choice options, can be effectively used in different survey scenarios:

Customer Satisfaction Survey by Usersnap

  • If a user rates a service as poor, follow up with specific questions to understand the issues they encountered. For example, “What specific aspect of the service did you find unsatisfactory?
  • Additional follow-up questions could include asking about the timeliness of the service, the professionalism of staff, or the quality of the product/service received.

Feature Satisfaction Survey by Usersnap

  • If a user selects a specific feature, show additional questions about that feature. For instance, “You mentioned using the X feature. How would you rate its usability?
  • Further probing could involve asking about the ease of use, the intuitiveness of the interface, and suggestions for improvements.

User acceptance testing template form by Usersnap

  • During User Acceptance Testing, conditional questions can help in focusing on particular aspects of the product that need feedback. For example, “If you tested the new login feature, please describe your experience.
  • You might also include questions about any bugs encountered, the overall user experience, and any features that were particularly useful or problematic.

Best Practices for Conditional Survey Questions

Conditional product survey questions can significantly enhance the quality of data collected by directing respondents through a tailored survey path based on their answers. To effectively implement these questions, it’s important to follow best practices that ensure a smooth and intuitive experience for respondents. Here are some key best practices to consider:

  1. Keep it Simple: Use straightforward logic to avoid confusion. Example: Direct satisfied customers to questions about what they liked, and dissatisfied customers to questions about issues. Implement specific follow-up questions based on each answer option to improve user experience.
  2. Clear Instructions: Provide context for why certain questions are asked. Example: “Based on your feedback about the new feature, we have a few more questions to better understand your experience.
  3. Test Thoroughly: Pilot the survey to catch and fix logic errors. Example: Test a customer satisfaction survey with beta users to ensure correct question routing before wider distribution.

Advanced Use Cases and Applications

During User Acceptance Testing (UAT), capturing detailed feedback on bugs and issues is crucial.

Usersnap’s robust screen capture and annotation tools significantly simplify this process, enhancing both the user experience and the quality of feedback.

  1. Seamless Screen Capture: Usersnap allows users to take screenshots directly within the application. This eliminates the need for external tools or manual uploads, making it easier for users to capture and share issues as they encounter them.
  2. Intuitive Annotations: After capturing a screenshot, users can annotate it with arrows, text, highlights, and more. These annotations help in clearly communicating the exact nature of the problem, ensuring that developers understand the issue without ambiguity.
  3. Real-Time Feedback: The in-app feedback widget allows users to report bugs without leaving the application. This real-time feedback collection ensures that issues are documented immediately, reducing the risk of forgotten or misreported problems.
  4. Detailed Context: Usersnap captures metadata along with the screenshot, such as browser information, screen resolution, and operating system details. This additional context is invaluable for developers in diagnosing and fixing issues quickly.

Example: During the UAT phase of a new project management tool, testers identified a bug in the task assignment feature. Using Usersnap, they captured a screenshot of the issue, annotated it to highlight the problem area, and provided a brief description. The feedback was instantly available to the development team, who could then prioritize and address the bug with all the necessary context.

By leveraging Usersnap’s screen capture and annotation tools, teams can ensure that bug reporting during UAT is efficient, accurate, and actionable.

Try Usersnap for Conditional Questions Forms

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Streamlined Feedback Collection with Usersnap’s Integrations

Collecting user feedback is only part of the process; acting on that feedback efficiently is equally important.

Usersnap excels in this area by offering seamless integrations with various project/product management and feedback tools, streamlining the entire feedback loop.

  1. Integration with Project Management Tools: Usersnap integrates with popular project management tools such as Jira, Trello, Asana, and more. This integration allows feedback and bug reports to be automatically converted into tasks or tickets, ensuring they are tracked and managed within your existing workflow.
  2. Centralized Feedback Hub: Usersnap can aggregate feedback from different sources into a single, centralized hub. Whether the feedback comes from in-app surveys, bug reports, or customer emails, it all flows into one place for easy management and analysis.
  3. Real-Time Notifications: By integrating with communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, Usersnap ensures that your team is instantly notified about new feedback. This real-time awareness allows teams to respond to issues and suggestions promptly.
  4. Customizable Workflows: Usersnap’s integrations can be tailored to fit your specific workflows. You can set up automated rules to assign tasks, prioritize feedback, or trigger notifications based on the type or severity of the feedback received.

Example: Imagine a scenario where a new feature in a SaaS product is being tested. Usersnap captures user feedback and bug reports, which are automatically pushed to Jira as new issues. The development team receives real-time notifications in Slack, ensuring no feedback is missed. As the team works on the issues, progress is tracked in both Usersnap and Jira, providing a comprehensive view of the feedback cycle.

By integrating with your existing project management and feedback tools, Usersnap not only simplifies the feedback collection process but also ensures that every piece of feedback is actionable, trackable, and effectively managed.

This integration capability helps teams to stay organized, prioritize tasks, and improve overall product quality based on user insights.

Comparing Google Forms and Usersnap

When comparing survey platforms, Google Forms and Usersnap each offer unique advantages. Google Forms excels in simplicity and ease of use, ideal for basic surveys, while Usersnap provides robust customization and advanced features for complex survey needs. This comparison covers key aspects such as ease of use, customization, integration, conditional logic, advanced features, and user experience. Let’s understand in detail.

While Google Forms offers a straightforward solution for basic surveys, its limitations can hinder the user experience and the quality of feedback collected.

Here’s how Usersnap addresses these limitations and provides a more robust solution for complex survey needs:

1. In-app Surveys: Google Forms are not embedded within applications, which means users have to navigate away from the app to complete surveys. This disruption can lead to lower engagement and incomplete responses.

In contrast, Usersnap offers seamless in-app surveys, allowing users to provide feedback without leaving the application. This integration creates a more intuitive and engaging user experience, leading to higher response rates and more accurate feedback.

Example: When collecting feedback on a new feature in a mobile app, users can fill out a Usersnap survey within the app itself, ensuring they remain engaged and focused on providing valuable insights.

2. Screen Captures: Google Forms require users to upload attachments to report issues or provide visual feedback.

This process can be cumbersome and time-consuming, often leading to incomplete or unclear submissions. Usersnap simplifies this by allowing users to capture screens directly within the feedback widget. This feature is particularly useful during User Acceptance Testing (UAT), where detailed visual feedback is crucial.

Example: During UAT for a new web application, testers can quickly capture screenshots of bugs, annotate them with comments, and submit them directly through Usersnap. This streamlined process ensures that developers receive clear and actionable feedback without the hassle of file uploads.

3. Dynamic Feedback Collection: While Google Forms can handle basic conditional questions, it lacks the sophistication needed for more complex survey flows.

Usersnap’s advanced conditional logic ensures that users only see questions relevant to their previous responses. This dynamic feedback collection not only enhances the user experience but also improves the quality of the data collected.

Example: Sarah, a product manager, wants to gather feedback from different user segments on a new task automation feature. With Usersnap, she can set up conditional questions that direct project managers to questions about project planning, developers to questions about technical integration, and end-users to questions about usability. This targeted approach ensures that each respondent provides the most relevant feedback, resulting in more valuable insights for the development team.

Try Usersnap for Conditional Questions Forms

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Final thoughts

For product managers seeking to enhance surveys with advanced conditional questions, Usersnap offers a superior alternative to Google Forms.

While Google Forms offers basic survey functionalities, its limitations in handling dynamic and in-app feedback can hinder the survey experience. For instance, when Sarah needs detailed feedback on a new task automation feature from different user segments, Google Forms may lead to irrelevant questions and lower engagement.

Usersnap, on the other hand, excels in providing an intuitive, in-app survey experience. Its advanced conditional logic ensures respondents only see questions pertinent to them, thereby improving data quality. With Usersnap, you can configure conditional logic to direct respondents to submit the form based on their answers, ensuring a streamlined and relevant survey experience.

Moreover, Usersnap’s in-app surveys and screen capture capabilities simplify the feedback process, making it easier for users to provide comprehensive insights without leaving the application.

This feature is particularly beneficial during UAT, where capturing real-time screen issues can significantly enhance the feedback process.

Try Usersnap’s advanced survey templates to elevate your survey game.

Tomas Prochazka

Published by
Tomas Prochazka

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