Customer Feedback & Experience

Feedback management on Usersnap: 10 dashboard tips to boost your collaboration

It’s not difficult to get feedback; it’s about what you do next – your feedback management approach decides if you’re truly listening to your customers. (And if collecting customer feedback is still the challenge for you, please read that blog post first.)

Usersnap’s dashboard is designed to help teams work through feedback faster and gain deeper insights on your customers. And thanks to our culture of eating our own dog food, we have learned a lot from our customers and built some new features based on their feedback!

Source: gify

Read on for the top 10 feedback management features on Usersnap’s dashboard, as well as examples of how we are using it.

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How do you manage customer feedback?

For the rookies, let’s start with the basics of what, why, and how. Usersnap users can jump to the next chapter; you already know the best solution to manage feedback 😉 

Managing customer feedback is the act of understanding the feedback context to categorize and fulfill the feedback request. When there is a large amount of feedback, a systematic way of sorting it and assigning responsibilities is necessary. 

Keep in mind that there are various ways to fulfill your customer feedback. It depends on the type of feedback as well as the resource and approach of your business. A bug report should be fixed asap, while a suggestion for UI would demand more research. And a very customer-centric company may want to interview every feedback giver, but a team of 2 developers receiving 2,000 tickets per day would analyze the trends before taking action.

For all the above described scenarios, you can do that on Usersnap. Not even boasting, promise. Companies have experienced up to 70% reduction in time spent on feedback management with Usersnap. You can resolve single feedback easily or track recurring topics of issues and ideas for planning your product roadmaps

Your feedback dashboard, where all the collaboration fun happens

Hey, if feedback does not bring you joy and help you with your work, then don’t do it. Luckily, we’ve never heard anyone say feedback is unnecessary.

It gets more fun when the process of troubleshooting and closing the feedback loop is a collaborative team effort. It’s not you against the world, you have your colleagues and team on your side!

Here’s a list of 10 feedback management functions for you and your team: 

1. Filters to distill and track feedback faster 

Filtering relevant feedback items can help you focus on what you need to do. You’ll likely need the same set of filters regularly, so save your filter and give it a name. 

Open communication on customer needs, voice of the customer is vital to get the team thinking and solving customer pain points. And the dashboard serves that purpose. However, when you have to get to work on specific tasks, the search bar and filters help you find what you need, be organized and make tangible improvements for your customers. 

Prioritizing feature requests gets a whole lot easier when you literally know the count and size of customers that you will impact. 

Create labels that represent features, product category or themes. Then tag your feedback, each feedback can be tagged multiple labels. And go to the statistics page and see the bar chart. You can change the date selection to compare labels of different time periods.  

Another suggestion for collecting feature requests is to dig into the why. The feature is the solution, but what is the problem? Asking your customers, “What problem would that solve for you?” helps you gain perspective on their motives and goals.

3. Track your feedback from response rates

To evaluate how engaging your feedback process is, you can track the response rate and activity. This helps you and your team to measure and optimize the feedback display, feedback form context and thus help to increase feedback count.

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4. Prioritize feedback with upvotes

One of the collaborative joys of feedback management is hearing about an awesome idea that makes you say wow. 👏 Give it an upvote, make it more important, and let it be prioritized to the top of your feedback list.

Upvotes can be done internally and externally. You will also be able to see who has upvoted a particular feedback item.

To collect external upvotes, go to “Share” and enable the public feedback list.

Grab that link and share it with your customers, stakeholders and colleagues that are not on the Usersnap platform. They can login by email authentication and browse feedback, vote, comment and add more feedback.

5. Not just feedback management, show some love ❤️

You can send an email reply to any feedback directly on the dashboard. To ensure you have the feedback giver’s email, add the email collection field to your website feedback widget or use the code to fetch additional custom data. 

For internal comments, you can react with a like. Or if you made a typo, you can edit or delete your own comments.

And another cool new update, you can edit external replies as well! But it’s time limited. From when you hit “Reply” you have 3 minutes to read through your comment again and decide if everything is fine. The reply email is only sent to your customers after the 3-minute buffer. 

6. Project status overview

In a feedback-driven company, every department has to gather customer feedback insights. And it can be overwhelming to track who set up what project and where. The Projects overview table on the Installation page gives everyone a clear picture of the status, activation method (button or pop-up) and display URL path settings. 

7. The user roles in feedback management

It’s great that every team member gets to receive customer feedback first-hand. But you may want to keep editing rights to project admins only. All team members can read, vote, comment, be assigned, and subscribe to feedback items.

8. Managing and moving feedback items between projects

This is a highly requested one from our Usersnap family! And we’re certainly glad we listened.

To label and count feedback themes across your various types of projects, you can now centralize them in one project by moving feedback items in bulk. Save time and hassle jumping between projects to consolidate feedback and learnings. 

Sometimes, customers, even yourself, when you don’t drink enough coffee, send feedback to the wrong project. You can simply move them to where they belong.

9. Send feedback to the right people and place

Integrations to coordinate feedback information and data is such a time saver, in particular for project managers. If you are on an enterprise platform, you can now use webhooks by upgrading to our Premium plan for just $299/monthly. 

10. Collaborate on the go with Usersnap’s mobile app

Reading customer feedback is a lot like reading the newspaper. It is important information, but it doesn’t have to be during your prime productive hours. Get the Usersnap app, it has all the features of assigning, labeling, commenting, replying to customers and closing the feedback item.

Bonus: get more people onto the feedback management system

Making feedback matter is not a one-person job, not even for superheroes. The more people are aware of customer needs and preferences, the more your product and service will be tailored to fulfill the demand.

Usersnap offers a flexible and easy scaling option for you to add more projects and team members to the feedback platform. Each project and user cost only $9 more. 

Not yet on Usersnap? Give our feedback management platform a try!

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Setting up a feedback system is very easy and quick with Usersnap. There are ready-to-use templates for you to start collecting feedback in minutes.

You only need to install one short global snippet, and then you can control your feedback buttons and pop-ups via the dashboard without writing code. 

Your first 15 days are completely free, and there is no credit card commitment, either. So let’s get to it!

Ashley Cheng

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